Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,48

other side of the door, motherfucker. I swear to God, if you’re holding her there, I’ll personally haul your ass to jail. Open up!” He pounds so hard, the photo hanging on the wall near the door crashes to the floor, sending shattered glass around my feet.

“He won’t leave if I don’t talk to him,” I whisper. “Please, let me take care of this.”

The stubborn man doesn’t budge, a tiny vein in his forehead visibly throbbing.

“Please, Eugene,” I beg him. “He won’t go away until he sees me. Stay inside, I beg you.”

I brush away his hand, and this time, he allows it. When he steps back, I turn the knob and pull the door open. Aaron’s dark eyes are filled with fiery anger, but flash with relief when he sees me. Stepping out, I quickly yank the door behind me closed, leaving Eugene safely inside.

“What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

I try to keep my cool. If Aaron knew what lies on the other side of the door, he’ll bust in there after him and take the kids out of spite. I have to talk him down. Taking a gigantic step toward me, I back up against the door. I can almost feel the heat radiating off of Eugene from the other side as Aaron’s gaze trails up and down my body, looking for some sign that I’m being held against my will.

“How did you find me?”

Grabbing his phone out of his pocket, he waves it in front of me. I look at, confused. Hashtag had turned off my GPS, so that shouldn’t be possible.

“I pinged your phone, and after I searched your apartment, I found this address written on a pad of paper.”

“Wait a second. You broke into my apartment?” I bellow. “How dare you!”

“Wellness check,” he snaps. “Your super let me in. I wouldn’t have had to do that if you’d answered your fucking phone.”

A coil of anger unfurls inside of me. It wasn’t a wellness check. He intruded into my private space and abused his power to do it. The nerve of him.

“So what?” I snarl, throwing my arms wide. “You’re stalking me now? I’m allowed to have a life, Aaron. One where I do not need to inform you of my every move. You’re crossing a line right now. You need to leave.”

“I know whose house this is, Grace. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Why don’t you step aside and let me take care of him so you can go back to your life?”

He tries to sidestep me, but I stay put. He’s not going into that house. I won’t allow it.

“What exactly do you think you know about my life?”

His eyes narrow. “Enough to know that this case is clouding your judgment, and that you need a healthy dose of reality to help you realize you’re in danger.”

Oh, this ought to be good. “Explain to me, how I’m in danger?”

He tips his head at the door. “That man will get you killed, Grace.”

“He’s protected me more than you ever could have.”

“How? He’s the bad guy in this, not me.”

“You couldn’t be more wrong. That man has protected me and those kids.”

Aaron’s face stills. “That’s twice you’ve said that. How has he protected you?”

Folding my arms across my chest, I let him have it. “Their father tried to take me hostage a few days ago at the coffee shop next to the office. Eugene scared him off. If he hadn’t, there’s no telling what that man would’ve done to me. He’s a junkie, and he’s dangerous. I probably wouldn’t be standing here right now yelling at you if it weren’t for Eugene.”

“Oh, come on. That doesn’t change who he is or what he’s capable of.”

“Let me tell you who Eugene Grant really is. He’s a hard-ass of a man who loves those kids more than anyone on this planet could. If it weren’t for him, Natalie would’ve been sold into a sex trafficking ring. Kevin would have turned out just like their uncle who forced them both into it. If he and his club hadn’t stepped in, neither one of those kids would be in one piece right now. He saved them. He’s protected them. If that’s not the definition of what a father should be, then I’ve failed as a social worker.”

He takes a step back. “You knew all this, and you didn’t bring it to me? I could have fucking helped you, Grace.”

“No, you

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