Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,16

the table. “I don’t even fucking know,” I admit. “Check the school personnel roster for a Grace, see if she even works there. Or see if there are any flags on their file. Something. Anything. I just got those kids, and I’ll be damned if anyone’s gonna take them away from me.”

I’d lost my family once before, and I sure as fuck won’t lose this one.

“Yeah, no problem. I’ll see what I can find. Give me an hour.”

Hashtag disappears as he heads toward his office.

Mom approaches me, looking concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“There might be a complication with the kids.”

“Need me to look into it?”

I clap my hand on his shoulder. “I appreciate it, man, but Hash is going to see what he can find out with that computer shit he does. Besides, you’ve got enough problems to deal with on your own. I can’t ask you to take on anymore.”

“You ain’t fuckin’ kidding. But if you need me, let me know. Crazy wife and all, I’m here for you and those kids.”

“I appreciate it.”

“I wish I could tell you it gets easier as they get older, but my kids are just like me.”

“No wonder Marie’s a fucking psycho. She lives with you and your clones.”

His smile is genuine when he acknowledges, “Keeps life interesting.”

A wail from the other side of the room draws our attention. Rushing out, we find Marie on top of one of the tables, dancing like a stripper on dollar dance night, gyrating her hips while the drink in her hand sloshes all over the table. Slipping, she lands flat on her ass, laughing, while Mom looks over to me and scowls.

“Woman’s gonna send me to an early grave, I’m telling ya.”

Shaking his head, he stalks toward her, yelling for her to get her old ass off that table before she breaks her hip. The longer they’re together, I swear, the crazier she gets.

She’s still laughing when he hauls her off the table, but then her expression turns serious when he lays into her, and she slaps him hard across the face.

I don’t envy him. I tried a relationship once, and it didn’t work out. Ain’t ready to try that bullshit again. I have enough on my plate with Kevin and Natalie, and there’s no need to add anymore chaos to my nuthouse of a life.


After yet another night of sleeplessness, I took a deep dive into web searching motorcycle clubs. From fictionalized shows on television to real-life clubs, my brain is pounding from information overload. The only thing I couldn’t find much on was the Black Hoods MC specifically, apart from a few new articles about charity rides and mentions in local crime ring busts the last few years. Aaron’s warning was clear about staying away from them, but this case may not allow for that to happen. I have to hope he can find out more information for me without putting myself in danger if I can help it. If I can’t, so be it.

With the promise that Aaron would get back to me later today with the information I had emailed him after the call, I pull out the notes I’d scribbled down last night while listening back over the recordings.

The first thing on the list may be the most crucial piece of the puzzle. Where is their mother? And why did this so-called uncle have the kids? If things were on the up-and-up, there would be records. Looking up the number for the court clerk’s office, I place the call. After a few rings, someone picks up.

“Clerk’s office.”

“Hi. My name is Grace Halfpenny, and I’m calling from DFPS. I need to have some court records pulled for a case I’m working on.”

“Case number?”

“I have two previous case numbers in our system. Case Number 18746, and 19430.”

I listen as the click of a keyboard fills the silent end of their receiver.

“I can have the records for these two cases couriered over to your office in a few hours.”

“That would be great. I also need a search for any other cases involving the mother…” I trail off, looking at my notes. “Teresa Ann Tucker. DOB 7/31/1979. I’m specifically looking for cases regarding legal custody of her children.”

“One moment, please.” A few heavy-handed keystrokes later, she informs me, “I don’t have any additional records for a Teresa Ann Tucker with that DOB. Could she have had an alternate alias?”

My stomach drops. “Zero records?”

“Correct. The last two records for her in our system under that name were the

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