Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,39

minds every day. Bills we need to pay, conversations we could have been cleverer in. What’s making that sound on my motorcycle when I rev it up. All of it, gone.

Grace clings to me as I walk her back, only stopping when her ass hits the edge of my kitchen table. Lifting her, I set her on the table and drop to my knees in front of her. Thank the good Lord for pencil skirts. Pushing the skirt up, I expose her long, creamy thighs, and a pair of black lace panties that are begging to be ripped off and done away with.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a man,” she whispers. I don’t know why she feels the need to tell me this. I don’t want to think about Grace being with any man. As far as I’m concerned, she’s sitting here in front of me as pure as the driven fucking snow.

“Look at me,” I order, waiting for her to meet my gaze. “Watch me.”

She pants, and her body trembles as I reach my finger forward, hooking the tiny piece of lace that covers her most intimate area.

Placing my finger on her clit, I look up to see her eyes roll back as I move the tiny bundle of nerves with my finger. She parts her lips, her breaths coming fast.

“Do you want me to fuck you, Grace?” I press harder, my own excitement jutting against the inside of my jeans.

“Yes.” Sitting up a little, she yanks my shirt up and over my head before fumbling with my buckle, but I stop her. Placing a hand on her chest, I gently push her back until she’s splayed out in front of me like a Thanksgiving Day feast. “Please.”

“Please what, baby?” I ask, drawing slow, lazy circles over her clit, loving the wanton way she rolls her hips.

“Fuck me.”

She doesn’t have to ask me twice. I wasn’t kidding when I’d said it had been a while. It’s been well over a year at this point.

Reaching down, I fumble with my pants until I’m free, my cock heavy and long, and hard as a rock.

It only takes a moment to place my head at her entrance, and then I’m inside of her. And it feels like fucking heaven.

Together we move, and her body arches and twists from side to side, her breasts on full display. As I drive myself into her, I lean forward, nipping and licking at her rock-hard nipples as they bounce just inches from my face.

Her body shudders as she comes for me. On me. The walls of her sex surrounding me. I watch in awe as a flush spreads across her cheeks, and another across her chest. And then she’s tightening around me, falling apart around me, and falling apart again.

And then, just when I think I can’t take another minute of it, I fall with her, consumed by the pleasure rushing through my entire body as I stare into her eyes.

“You’re incredible,” I whisper, leaning forward to press against her, even though we’re still locked together in the most romantic and odd pairing I’ve ever seen. “You’re a fucking miracle.”


“Couldn’t we have taken your truck?” I grumble as I dismount his motorcycle. It’s kind of hard to get on and off one of those beasts in a pencil skirt without showing off a little more than people need to see. And considering we’re right outside the coffee shop I go to every morning, and being that coffee shop is right next to my office, I’d rather not show off anything I don’t normally show.

Eugene just grins as he helps me unhook the helmet. Once he’s done, he leans in close and whispers, “Maybe I like the way you feel against me on my bike.”

Goose bumps race along my arms, and my belly dips a little. “That so?”

“What can I say? I’m a gentleman.”

“Well, Mr. Gentleman, you’ve delivered me safely to work. I think I can handle it the rest of the way.”

“What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t make sure you got safely inside?”

“The kind of gentleman I shouldn’t be seen with, considering I’m working a case with two children in your care.”

He knows I’m right. This morning, I’d argued with him until I was blue in my face over how I didn’t need him to escort me to work. But when my car wouldn’t start, I had no other choice. One unscheduled day off may have gone overlooked

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