Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,37

attention to the doorway where Eugene waves me over.

“Keep going. I’ll be right back,” I tell her, pointing at the page.

Slipping from the chair, I walk over to him. His face is nearly unreadable.

“I have to go take care of something.”

“Oh, I can go if you need me to leave.”

“That’s not what I’m asking, Grace. I know I have no right to ask, but can you stay here with the kids?”

“You’re putting that much trust in me?” It wasn’t too long ago that I was here to remove the kids. Now he wants to leave them alone with me?

“You’re already here, and my niece Lindsey is at her night class. It would save me a lot of time if you could.”

I really shouldn’t be considering it, but his eyes are begging me to accept. It would be nice to be alone with the kids again. Without his influence around, I might connect with Kevin.

I give in. “Sure.”

“It shouldn’t be long. I normally send the kids to bed around nine, but Kevin’s already in his room. If he gives you any trouble, remind him of our little talk.” He gives me a wink. “Nat, I have to leave for a bit. You be good for Miss Grace.”

“You mean you’re staying the night?” she asks, her eyes wide. “Can we have a sleepover? I’ve always wanted to have one.”

“I can’t stay the night—”

“Of course she will,” Eugene answers for me without looking in my direction. He’s smarter than he looks. “I’ll just leave you two ladies to have your fun. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Grabbing his keys and cut from the counter, and heads out the back door. The second it shuts, Natalie gives me a mischievous look.

“Do you like scary movies?”

What did I just agree to?


Grace, with a tight bun and serious expression, is a beautiful woman. Watching her sleep on my couch with her hair all over the place is breathtaking. She’s stretched out on her back, with one foot resting on the floor. Her mouth is open just a little, but she’s taken her hair down, the loose curls flowing around her sleeping face.

It’s almost two o’clock in the morning though, and there’s no way she’s spending the night on this lumpy ass couch. “Grace,” I whisper, nudging her shoulder.


“Grace.” This time, I say it a little louder, shaking her shoulder.

Still, nothing.

“Darlin’, either you wake up, or I’ll carry your ass up to bed. Your choice.”

Her forehead wrinkles with a frown before her eyelids flutter open. She blinks up at me and her frown deepens. “I’m not getting in your bed.”

She sits up, turning to right herself on the couch, which puts her on the opposite end from where I stand. “Did you just get home?”

I nod. “Alarm went off at a garage we just bought. Nobody there, but a window was broken, so we stuck around to board it up.”

“Who would do that?”

I chuckle. “The Black Hoods have a lot of friends out there, sweetheart, but we have a lot who don’t like us much too. Could’ve been someone who has a beef with us. Could’ve been some punk kids causing shit. We’ll find out.”

She opens her mouth as if to say something, but seems to think better of it. Pushing to her feet, she grabs her jacket and purse off the chair beside her.

“Well, I should get going. It’s late.”

Of course she should. It makes sense that she does. So why do I not want her to leave? “Stay,” I tell her. “Natalie thinks you’re spending the night. She’ll be looking for you when she wakes up.”

Grace gapes at me, that frown reappearing on her forehead. “I can’t sleep here. It wouldn’t be right.”

“I can’t let you go home at this time of night unescorted. That wouldn’t be right.”

Curling her hand into a fist, she props it on her hip. “You’re such a frustrating man.”


I can’t help it. I shouldn’t be goading her, but her hair’s a mess, her clothes are disheveled, and her cheeks are still pink from sleep. She looks adorable.

“Goodnight, Eugene.” Pushing past me, she moves toward the front door.

“What about the kids?” I ask as she walks away. “What are you going to do with our case?”

Pausing, she turns. Placing her jacket and purse on a nearby bench, she comes back to sit on the couch. “Honestly, I don’t know.”

What the fuck does she mean, she doesn’t know? “Were you not paying attention when the kids told you their history?”


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