Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,32

I’ve always been on the hunt for the answers in my cases and going with him may be my only shot at finding Natalie and Kevin. With a deep sigh, I send up a silent prayer.

“I’ll get my jacket.”


“I’m not getting on that,” she says as I hand her my helmet. “I’ll just take my car and follow you.”

Laughing, I place it on her head. “You’ll love it. Might even loosen you up a little.”

The helmet sits on top of her bun, making it look uncomfortable. Lifting it off, she holds it under one arm and uses the other to pull out one hairpin after another, letting it fall around her shoulders in long, loose curls.

As I watch her run her fingers through them, I have to force myself to remain cool. Her hair smells fruity and fresh. Though I wouldn’t normally think of fruity as a sexy scent, coming from her, it most definitely is. Grace is a looker, even with that tight ass bun. But her hair curling around her shoulders makes her look like a fucking angel.

“There.” With a self-conscious smirk, she puts the helmet back on. I still can’t move. All I can do is watch her fingers work at the strap beneath her chin and wonder how I never noticed before just how good she smells.

Shifting on her feet, she arches her brow. “Is something wrong?”

I blink, clearing my mind of wanting to press my nose into her neck and breathing in her scent. “Nah, we’re good,” I say as I climb onto my motorcycle. I start it up, bringing the roaring engine to life before turning to Grace. “Hop on!”

Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she looks at the seat behind me. Her lips move, as if she’s mumbling to herself. Then finally, she nods and places her hands on my shoulders as she swings her leg over the seat.

It’s been a long fucking time since I’ve had a woman on the seat behind me, and none of them had ever molded to me as perfectly as Grace’s tiny form does. Her breasts press against my back as her thighs settle along either side of my hips, allowing me to feel her heat.

Jesus, Judge. You need to get laid. And fast.

The ride to the clubhouse takes about fifteen minutes. Kevin and Natalie are outside with GP’s old lady, Blair, and their dog, Walter. They all pause in their game of fetch and watch as I back my motorcycle at the front of the line, their faces frozen in shock.

Kevin’s face twists in confusion. And maybe even betrayal. “What’s she doing here?” he asks.

Taking Grace’s hand, I help her off the seat. Her cheeks are pink from the ride, and her hair is wild beneath the helmet.

Once she’s on her feet, I take her hand, completely ignoring how soft her skin is, and lead her toward the kids.

Walter, likely sensing the tension in the air, presses against Blair’s leg and growls. Walter was a rescue from a dog fighting ring last year, and his looks are the scariest part of him. He doesn’t trust easily, but he’ll defend who he loves to the death.

“Why is she here?” Kevin asks again.

I hold up a hand to stop him. “Relax, bud. I brought her here to talk. To talk to all of us. Thought maybe we could tell her our story.”

Kevin glares at us both. “No. I’m not telling this bitch anything. Come on, Nat.” Grabbing his sister’s hand, he goes to drag her away.

“Kevin,” I bark out, stopping him in his tracks. “I know you’re trying to protect your sister, but you gotta trust me on this. Let me protect the both of you.”

“Kevin?” Grace calls. “I promise you, whatever you tell me tonight will stay between us.”


“Hey!” I know he’s feeling betrayed, but I don’t like the way he’s talking to Grace.

“It’s okay,” Grace says, placing her soft hand on my arm as she focuses on Kevin. “I was an orphan too,” she tells him. “I’ve been through a lot. I could tell you stories that would keep you up at night. And when I became a social worker, it was to help kids like me—kids like the both of you—and make sure none of them had to go through any of the stuff I did.”

None of us speak. All of us—even Walter—are staring at Grace. As prim and proper as she might seem, I’d never once stopped to consider how she’d gotten to

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