Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,3

a reason to learn.”

Sighing, she pulls the elastic band from her hair. I watch, my heart cracking a little more as she stares at her own reflection in the mirror and runs a brush through her locks. “I guess down is good enough,” she whispers.

The sadness in her voice pisses me off, but not at her. Never at her. I’m pissed at her pervert uncle, the man who did this to her. I’m pissed at the legal system that allowed it to happen. I’m pissed at all the men who have ever looked upon this child with anything other than fatherly affection. And most of all, I’m pissed I never learned how to fucking braid hair.

She places the brush down on the counter and turns to me, her lips pushed up into a smile that isn’t fooling anyone. “Ready.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t go to school today.” I hate the thought of dropping her off when I know she’s struggling.

Natalie’s eyes soften as she peers up at me. “I’m okay. Promise.”

I want to believe her. I think she even wants to believe it herself. She’s trying to put on a brave face, but maybe Lindsey is wrong about this. Maybe it's too soon to force her back to school.

“Hey, Nat, come eat.” Kevin stands at the top of the stairs, motioning for his sister to get her ass in gear. “We gotta leave in five minutes, and I don’t want to be late.”

Without another word, she pushes past me and descends the stairs behind her brother. I watch their backs as they go, marveling at the strength they’ve both shown since coming to live with me. But the one thing they don’t understand yet is, they don’t have to be strong. Not anymore. I’m strong enough for all three of us.

And if anyone upsets either of them today, I’ll show that strength when I rip some fucking heads off.

Kevin and I both watch as she pushes her food around on her plate, only nibbling on a piece of toast until I announce that it’s time to leave.

The kids pile into my pickup truck without a word. A few minutes later, we’re standing out front of their school. They look so damn lost in the sea of teenagers as they stare up at the large building, their backpacks hanging from their shoulders.

“You guys good?”

Both kids turn toward me, and even though their faces say they’re ready, their eyes scream they’re not. “Ready,” Kevin says, taking his sister's hand. “We got this, Gene. Promise.”

And he does. I can tell by the determined set of his jaw. I just wish his sister looked as confident.

“Shug, what about you?”

Natalie straightens her shoulders. “I’ll be okay, Mr. Judge. You don’t have to worry about us.”

A lump forms in my throat as she speaks, and I can’t tell if it’s because of my own fear for her, or if it’s because she never ceases to amaze me. Maybe it’s both. Who fucking knows? “You got your phones. Call me if you need me, for anything, okay?”

They both nod in unison.

“I mean it. I can be here in less than five minutes. Just say the word.”

Natalie’s hand lands on my arm, her touch as light as a butterfly. “We’re gonna be okay.”

Kevin chuckles. “It’s school, man, not prison. Go do your thing. We’ll see you after.”

“You want me to walk you in?”

Finally, Natalie giggles and shoves at my arm playfully, attempting to move me toward my truck. “Go! We’re fine.”

I allow her to move me away and laugh with her, the lump in my throat loosening just a little. “All right, all right, I’m going. Have a great first day, guys.”

As I pull away from the school, I catch a group of women standing near the entrance with their kids in tow, every single one of them smiling when I creep by.

Smirking, I wave. “Morning, ladies.” Several of them drag their kids into the building, while the rest stare back with hungry looks on their faces. Gotta love moms. Maybe this school thing won’t be so bad.


The coldest pair of green eyes stare at me from across the table.

“You’re late,” Greg growls, puffing out his chest as he looks down at his watch. His beard is more unruly than usual, sticking out in every direction. He’s also in dire need of a haircut.

“For goodness’ sake, I’m three minutes late.” I settle into the chair across from him and set my purse down beside me in the booth. “It’s not

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