Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,25

gone. Burned to the ground. That’s why I filed the report.”

“I see,” I murmur, trying to calm my racing heart.

“I lost everything when she left. My wife. My kids. My business.”

The case records I have would dispute his claims, but his wife had been a drug addict, and unfortunately, with addiction, there’s always a sob story. It’s completely possible that she lied to us. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before, but it begs the question: why reach out now, after all these years? When the kids were placed into foster care, it was clearly marked that attempts to find another legal guardian were made and failed. There was no reason at the time to doubt their father wasn’t in the picture. Until now.

“Your business?” I inquire.

“Family business with Randall. With my wife gone, he cut me out completely.” The way he says “family business” strikes an odd chord with me. How could his wife leaving him affect a business partnership he had with her brother? Legally, he’d have every right to the business if he’d been listed on the legal documents.

“What was the nature of your business, Mr. Tucker, if I may ask?”

“It was... a moving company,” he replies, stumbling over his words. “But that’s not why I filed the report. I want to know what happened to my kids.” The change in direction of the conversation, diverting away from the business is odd. Very odd.

“Can you tell me the ages of your children?”

“What does that matter? They’re my kids.” His agitation is obvious, but a father should know the ages of his children, even if they aren’t in his life. The feeling hits me again, an uneasiness stirring deep in my gut. I know exactly where his children are, but something’s warning me not to tell him.

“I understand that, sir. However, I must caution you that if the children are located, they will have to go into foster care until a DNA test confirms that you are, in fact, their father.”

“They’re my kids, my flesh and blood. I want them back. They belong to me. I have fucking rights to them.”

“Then a paternity test will prove you’re their father, and you’ll be able to petition the court for custody.”

He mumbles something inaudible, and then tells me, “Just find my kids, lady.”

“I will let you know if we’re able to locate them,” I lie.


“Happy birthday, dear Natalie. Happy birthday to you.”

The round of singing is enough to make me cringe, but the look on Nat’s face is totally worth it. I watch her cheeks blush a deep pink as she leans over the picnic table in front of her and blows out the thirteen candles on her cake.

Applause and cheers erupt all around us, and I turn to look at everyone. The yard at the side of the clubhouse is packed. Every single member is here tonight. If they got kids, they brought them. There are friends of the club, and friends of friends of the club, and all of them are here to celebrate this gorgeous kid’s birthday. I can tell by the look on her face that she’s never had this kind of a fuss made over her in her life.

“Present time!” Lindsey squeals, pushing her way to the table with a stack of brightly wrapped boxes in her arms. She moves to set them on the table, and that’s when all hell breaks loose.

Sirens wail from behind us, and I turn to see a SWAT van, followed by five police cruisers, and a car I recognize as Grace Halfpenny’s, roar into the parking lot, their lights flashing.

Men and women in full-on SWAT gear pile out of the vehicles as if they’re heading into battle, guns drawn and at the ready.

“Get on the ground!” they shout, their words echoing off the surrounding buildings.

It’s utter chaos. Women scream. Natalie’s eyes lock with mine. There’s so much fear in them, it kills any chance I might have had in keeping my cool in this situation.

“What’s going on here?” I bellow as two armed men approach me with their guns pointed at my head.

“Get on the ground,” the closest man orders, getting nearer by the second.

I glance back at Natalie, Kevin, and Lindsey, who stand with their backs pressed against the picnic table, the younger two clutched in Lindsey’s arms.


Slowly, I drop to my knees next to Karma. The others are on the ground all around me, having dropped where they stood.

“Ain’t a party till the cops show up,” Karma

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