Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,11

for your sister, and we’ll have a talk about why every man should be okay with picking up the feminine shit the women in our lives need.”

Kevin scrunches his face at me. “Why would I do that? That’s gross.”

“Brownie points, kid. Brownie points.”


This case haunted me all last night, to the point I didn’t sleep a wink. When my alarm went off this morning, I was already dressed and out the door. The inkling that these two kids’ story was worse than I feared nagged at me the entire drive to work. I tried to shake it off, but the feeling wouldn’t dissipate.

I have to help them someway, somehow.

A few minutes past nine, my desk phone rings. I don’t hesitate a single second to pick up when the school’s name flashes across the caller ID on my desk phone. Please, let them be there.

“DFPS, Child Investigations Division. This is Grace.”

“They’re both here. The secretary at the school office tried to get the plate off the pickup truck that dropped them off, but they left too quickly.” It would have been nice to have that information, but for now, the children being at school is enough for me.

“I’m on my way. Don’t let them leave if you can help it.”

“Why would they leave?”

“If there’s something amiss with these kids, they could have eyes on them. We can’t take any chances.”

“Oh, goodness,” she gasps. “Should I send our resource officer to their classrooms to gather them?”

“No, you might spook them. Just leave them be and keep an eye out. I’ll be there as quick as I can.”

Gathering a few things from my desk, including the case file I had put together with the two previous reports and photographs, I fire off a quick email to my supervisor, alerting him to the developments in the case. I don’t wait for his reply before I’m out the door of my office and halfway down the stairs to the parking lot. With wide, determined steps, I find my sedan in its usual spot.

I hear Greg’s voice calling out from the alleyway behind me. “Morning, Grace. Where’s the fire?”

“I’m sorry, Greg, but I don’t have time to talk.”

“Figures. I came all this way to see you,” he grumbles loud enough to hear.

“I’ll make it up to you,” I holler back, shoving myself into the car. “Milkshakes on Friday?”

“I’ll hold you to it.”

The last part comes out muffled after I close the door, but I can read his lips—strawberry. Firing up the engine, I take off in the direction of the school. The traffic is thankfully light for this time of morning, and I make it there in record time.

As I approach, the pale red brick building stands out against the more industrial nature of this area of town. Nestled near the back of the school’s parking lot is an expansive football field that dwarfs the building entirely. If there’s one thing about Texas, football is king here. This stadium is proof enough of that. If you could find a different state with more expansive football fields at the high school level, I’d be surprised.

A gray-haired woman stands outside of the main entrance of the school, nervously tapping her foot as I approach. Her eyes latch onto me almost immediately.

“Miss Halfpenny?” she inquires with a noticeable tremble in her voice. “I’m Ms. Pyle. We spoke on the phone earlier. I thought it would be best if I met you outside.”

“You can call me Grace.” I reach out to shake her hand, but she ignores it. Instead, she waves her petite one to the heavy metal doors and swipes the badge swinging from a lanyard on her chest against the reader. It beeps, and the lock clicks free. Opening the door, she beckons me inside.

“Follow me to my office. I just received the information you requested from their registration paperwork after we spoke.”

She leads me to the back of the main office, just off the entrance, where the brick facade continues inside of the school. The worn tile floor desperately needs a good scrubbing. Once in the office, I spy several offices and one large receiving area, which is empty. Toward the back of the main area lies a much larger office. When we enter it, I find a younger woman seated in a chair across from the desk.

“This is Miss Crabtree. She was here when Kevin and Natalie were enrolled.” Miss Crabtree smiles and extends her hand out to greet me with a limp shake. “Please, take

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