Dark Descent into Desire - J. J. Sorel Page 0,41

when you’re aroused.” My face heated at that admission.

“Mm… I have to admit I did get a bit throbby when James kissed me and played with my breasts.”

“There… you see? You’re going to come good.” I wiggled my eyebrows at that double entendre.

She giggled. Sipping her coffee, Lilly looked up at me. “Apart from him not wanting a relationship, what’s the issue with Blake? I mean, can’t you just see what happens?”

“I’m scared I’ll get hurt.” I paused for a sip of coffee. “I also found images he took of me.”

Lilly leaned forward. “Sexy ones?”

I shook my head. “No. I was asleep. He took photos of my face while I slept.”

She tipped her head back with her mouth wide open and tongue hanging out.

I laughed. “Almost that bad. I mean, who looks good asleep?”

“Babies.” Lilly grimaced. “God, that’s kind of weird. But hey, so? I mean, that’s hardly a good reason to bail.”

I bit my fingernail. “That’s not really why I ran. It’s more what happened in bed that worried me. And he’s so hard to read. He’s full of contradictions. One minute he tells me he doesn’t do relationships, and then he gives me a credit card with no limit.”

“Holy fuck. Take it, Penny. You’re young.” Her face lit up. “Hey, we could go to Ibiza for a month. Imagine all the fun we could have? I could give that scumbag Alex the slip. Hey… what the heck? I’ll pay. I can afford it. Let’s do it. I could use a tan.”

Although Lilly’s exuberance had a contagious bite, the thought of Ibiza pulsating in endless techno, sickeningly sweet alcohol, and randy, pimply guys quickly lost its appeal.

“Maybe.” I looked at her seriously. “You don’t think what Blake did was strange?”

She shrugged. “It’s hardly porn. Maybe he likes the way you look when you sleep.”

“He said that.” I sighed. “I miss him.”

“How long’s it been? One minute?”

I laughed. “I’ve known him for ten days. Shit. It feels longer. He’s really intense.”

“James isn’t. He’s kind of geeky in a sexy, rich way.”

“I hope you go out with him again.”

“He called this morning to see how I was.” She studied me earnestly. “Do you think I should call him?”

“Yeah. You bet,” I said.

“He’ll want to fuck. He’s pretty hot to trot.”

“Are you into him? Are you attracted? Does he make you…?”

“Creamy?” Lilly said. A slow smile formed, and she nodded.

“Then that’s your answer.”

“Look at us. Woo-hoo. Hot, rich guys chasing us.”

We looked at each other and giggled.

“So do you think I’m being too harsh on Blake?”

“I do. And hell, take that credit card, Penny.”

“So we should just keep sleeping separately while I allow him to fuck me senselessly and leave it at that, then?”

She shrugged. “Sounds pretty good to me. You’re only twenty-three. Surely you don’t want to marry the guy.”

Lilly made sense. I just needed to protect my heart, because around Blake, I no longer recognized myself as that strong, determined woman I’d spent my life honing.


* * *


PENELOPE WAS ALREADY FIFTEEN minutes late. Being one of my pet peeves, her tardiness was something I needed to overlook, along with a few other quirks. We were already on shaky ground, and she had the upper hand. That was never meant to happen.

Just a taste. That was all it took. I’d felt her soft curves on my fingers, and now I was obsessed.

My phone pinged with a text: Sorry. The tube’s broken down. I’m jumping in a cab now. Penny.

I tapped: Where are you? We can come and get you?

She replied: No need, I’m five mins away. See you soon.

Five minutes later, she entered the bar, her cheeks rosy from having rushed, and her hair out and a little tangled. My dick jerked. Dressed in a fitted green dress that showed off her sexy body, Penelope had every man’s attention. I felt possessive and hated the idea of men’s eyes all over her.

As she moved, her breasts bounced slightly. I thought of them falling into my mouth when we fucked. I had to take a deep breath to still the rush of testosterone.

“Hey. Sorry. The damn tube. Again.” She fell into the chair.

I looked at the waiter, who came straight over. “What would you like?”

“A G&T, please,” she said, looking up at the waiter.

“The same for you, sir?” he asked, staring down at my glass.

I nodded.

After he left us, I asked, “Why didn’t you let Patrick pick you up? I’d prefer it.”

She studied me. Her dark eyes had that hint of fire

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