Dark Descent into Desire - J. J. Sorel Page 0,27

couldn’t stop thinking about her taste, her curves, her scent, and the way she felt with my cock buried deep inside of her.

After calling Patrick, I said, “He’s on his way.”

I held my distance because with one whiff of Penelope, I would have ripped off that silk shirt and devoured her again. Instead I maintained that reserved persona I’d mastered over the years.

She remained silent, and her tension cut into me. I wanted her to leave so that I could regain my composure. I’d made it a rule never to go beyond one night. But with Penelope, there had to be more.

But will I come out in one piece?

I walked her to the door, and seeing Patrick waiting by the car, I kissed her on the cheek.

“Bye, then,” she said coldly and rushed off with her head bowed while I stood there and watched.

Her scent remained with me as I returned to the empty room, which suddenly had transformed into a room devoid of Penelope.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I picked up a pillow and smothered my face and cried out. This was not meant to happen. I missed her already.


* * *


I SAT IN THAT BENTLEY, which radiated the smell of leather. Confusion suddenly swept through me, and a small panic attack followed. I didn’t want Patrick to know where I lived.

We ended up heading to Soho on the pretext that I lived there, which was half-true. I sent a quick text to Sheldon to warn him.

As I sat in the Bentley, Blake’s scent seemed to emanate from my pores. My vagina throbbed. We’d fucked three times that morning.

But then it all went weirdly flat. From high to low in an instant.

There Blake stood, detached. He didn’t even look at me. He planted a kiss on my cheek and then almost pushed me out the door. My heart had shriveled into a tight ball. I wondered if I’d ever see him again.

Patrick pulled up at Sheldon’s double-story home. Although it irked me to be so false, pride still flushed through me.

I let myself in and found Sheldon frying bacon and eggs.

“Babes.” Sheldon’s happy face contrasted sharply to my sagging spirit.

“Hey. I hope you don’t mind me coming in like this.”

“Mia casa, tua casa.” He giggled.

I hugged him, and without warning, tears erupted.

“Oh, Penny, what’s happened?” He looked worried. “Let me guess… Blake Sinclair.”

Falling onto the stool at the island, I nodded.

He poured me a cup of coffee and passed it to me. “I suppose you didn’t spend the night talking?”

Shaking my head, I smiled sadly, and a tear splashed on my cheek. “Although we did talk a lot. He’s so worldly.” I shook my head. “Oh my God.”

“He’s all man?”

I nodded with a long sigh. “Yeah. Irresistibly so.”

“You got together?” His mouth stretched into a tight smile. “Only if you want to talk about it.”

“I did. And I do want to talk about it.” I shook my head.

“That good?” He tilted his head.

“It was amazing. I experienced sensations I would never have thought possible.”

“Multiples?” He raised an eyebrow.

“You’re not kidding. And he was so…” I held my hands apart.

“Oh God.” His brows gathered. “He’s got a big dick too. Yum.”

Yum, all right. The thought of it made my palate drip in the same way a chocolate cake would.

Sheldon buttered some toast. “Why are you sad then?”

“He was so cold this morning. He virtually pushed me out the door, as though he was scared somebody would find me there.”

“Does he live alone?” he asked, placing fried egg, bacon and tomatoes onto a plate.

“He’s got staff. But they weren’t around. He also admitted to me that he didn’t sleep with women. Only fucked them.”

Sheldon looked up at me wide-eyed. “He said that? Shit, that’s kind of sexy in a mysterious way. And now you’re wondering if it was just a one-night stand, I suppose.”

I nodded. “It didn’t feel that way this morning when we were in bed.” I looked up at Sheldon and smiled coyly. As close as we were, I wasn’t ready to describe how frighteningly pleasurable having Blake Sinclair inside of me felt.

“Maybe he’s just awkward the next day. No alcohol to free the tongue. It’s not unusual after the first night.”

“Oh.” My heart sang. That might explain it. Maybe I was being needy too soon. “I love having you to talk to, Shelly. I didn’t think of it like that.” I dipped toast into the egg yolk, and my spirit returned. “Mm… this is so yummy. Thanks, Shelly.”

“Sex always boosts my

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