Dark Captor - Faith Summers Page 0,81

do shit we’ve never pushed the limits to before.

I remember how his face looked when we kidnapped Isabella and how he looked when we tortured Sacha.

It’s all shit I’m not proud of, even if I can stand here and say I’m a man who can push the limits to do what I have to.

My shoulders slump but I will myself to keep my head above water. I can’t check out now I have to stick to the plan. When it’s over, if I make it I’ll figure everything else out.

At least he’s on board with helping in whatever ways he can.

I have to see Isabella and let her know I won’t be here tomorrow.

Earlier I couldn’t give her an answer when she asked what we’d be doing about us.

The answer should have been as I said… we can’t be. Except I don’t want to let her go yet and if I have tonight with her then I’m spending it with her doing what I want.

Right now it feels like she’s the only thing that can keep me sane.

The woman I kidnapped and I’m holding captive is the one thing keeping me going. I’m not proud of the way I’ve treated her either.

She’s the first person in years that’s made me think outside the darkness. She’s pushed me over the line of reason. I can’t see the line anymore, although I know it’s still there.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Every time I see Tristen my heart skips a beat.

Then I get nervous. I’ve been anxious to hear if he thought my idea about Nikoli would work or not.

I stand up from the little bench on the terrace and look at him as he approaches.

He has the same look as last night, like he wants me again.

“Hi,” he says first reaching out to touch my cheek.


“We think your idea might work. It’s a good shot and we’re gonna take it.”

I smile. “I’m glad I was of some help.”

“I think it might be a massive help.”

“Well he’ll know it was me if all goes well.”

“You’re worried?”

I shake my head. “I figured it was best I tell you. I want justice too. I know he’ll come for me, but somehow I feel like he’s waiting for me to do that anyway. He keeps doing things to push me. Wanting me to marry Dmitri was just the thing to break me. I can’t imagine how he would think that would be okay.”

“I wouldn’t have let that happen. Even if I just do that. I wouldn’t have allowed you to marry someone like that because of who he is and um…” his voice trails off.

“And what?”

“Never mind. I’m going away tomorrow for two days. I should be back by night fall on Thursday.”

“Oh… where are you going?”

“Home. Actual home.”

I stare back at him and I realize I don’t know anything about him. I know when this is over, whenever that might be, that will be it. It should be it and we’ll end. I just have that pesky little thing about me that doesn’t want this connection to end.

“Where’s home? Where does Tristan D’Agostino live?”

He smirks at that. “LA. I live in LA in a house similar to this but it’s not by the sea. It’s in the woods.”

“Both sound like you.”

“I… want to show you something.”


“It’s outside.”

I press my lips together realizing we’ll be sneaking off again.


He takes a few steps toward the door I thought was a closet and unlocks it with a key. To my surprise when it opens I feel a draft coming through.

“Does that go outside?” I ask.

“It does. I designed this house to have a few secret doors. This one will be good for us.”

He waves his hand motioning for me to go through the door so I do.

A set of lights come on lighting up the path, brightening the way so I can see some steps leading down to the bottom.

We go down them and through another door that leads out to the beach. It’s not the same beach I’ve been going to. this is just a little patch and then the rest of the area is the woods.

In the oncoming night there’s almost an eerie vibe about the place, at the same time last remains of the sunlight cast a soothing glow over the scenery making it look serene.

Tristan takes my hand to lead me and it feels like the most natural thing.

I didn’t think we could go anywhere more beautiful than where we were the other day, but I was wrong.


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