Dark Captor - Faith Summers Page 0,25

Your mother must be turning in her grave.”

He’s known me all my life and knows this request is different to any other I’ve made for a break. Tonight, I really need it.

“I promise I’ll be careful, and I won’t be long.”

“Okay. Isabella, please don’t do anything foolish. It won’t just be your head it will be mine. If anything happens to you, or you try to escape your father will kill me.”

That’s no exaggeration. I know it’s true.

“I promise.” I know the risk he takes every time he gives me freedom, so I would never do anything to put him in danger.

I’ll just go to town, to the little club I sometimes hang out at on Mainstreet. Then I’ll come right back.

“Okay, be safe, take the phone and you call me if there’s any trouble. Just press the alarm and I’ll find you.”

I give him a hug and he holds me. This man has been more of a father to me than my own. Always tending to my wounds. Inside and out.

Trust is what makes us who we are.

It gives me the small mercy of freedom.

As I leave the house, I savor the feel of having a break and getting the chance to breathe. I savor just being by myself and I resist the urge to drive away and never look back.

Chapter 8


The window of opportunity just opened and we’re going in.

Isabella just left her house.

“I’m on my way. I’m about five minutes behind you,” Dominic says. His voice crackles in my earpiece as I ride my bike fast and hard down the road. “Massimo is getting the jet ready.”

“Good, I’ll see you in a little while,” I tell him and end the call.

It’s extremely late and we’re all out. I was listening in on Isabella’s conversation and couldn’t believe what I was hearing when Sacha agreed to let her leave the house by herself.

I cursed myself because the one time the damn chance to take her arose I didn’t have the car. Dominic is bringing the truck though, which is probably better.

I breeze down the road taking a short cut. I’ve linked the tracking device to my dashboard GPS and I can see Isabella’s car heading into town. I’m a few minutes away from her.

I didn’t think anything was going to happen today, but that bastard Dmitri made it possible with his assholish ways. I don’t know where she’s going but wherever it is, I have to be ready to take her.

I catch up with her car five minutes later because of the traffic. It’s quiet so the traffic isn’t as bad as it is during the day but there’s some which is good for me.

As the buildup frees up, her car zips right into the city center and I follow at a good distance behind.

I’m surprised when she pulls into the parking lot of the Cube Bowl Nightclub. I don’t know where I expected her to go, but it’s not here.

She’s upset so I thought maybe she’d go to a coffeehouse. She looks the type to go somewhere like that to chill and read a book.

Parking on the first level, I bite the inside of my lip as I watch her get out of her car. I don’t know how that bodyguard of hers allowed her to leave the house dressed in that romper. It’s what could be deemed as something comfortable but what’s deadly is how it looks on her.

With her ample, fully rounded breasts squeezed together and those long golden legs any man with eyes will be looking her way tonight.

My fucking cock is having a hard time staying still from the sight.

I get off my bike when she goes inside then I fire of a message to both Dominic and Massimo to let them know where I am.

I have a good feeling about this. It’s certainly going to be easier to take her in a dark nightclub than anywhere else. I’ll blend in too.

I take off my jacket and grab what I need from the pockets. I’m wearing a black dress shirt underneath with black slacks. I look like I could have already planned to be here. When she sees me, I want her to think exactly that. I want this to be done as smoothly as possible.

As I walk inside the club, I realize why she likes this place. It’s big but there’s a soothing vibe to it. It’s like most nightclubs in terms of the set up with a bar and the dance

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