Dark Captor - Faith Summers Page 0,111

Rhode Island. They might not be.”

“I’m checking there first. Nikoli’s house.”

“Rhode Island it is.”

“You’re sure. I know you have strong feelings toward her and I understand why, but if anyone should have feelings for better or worse toward her it’s me and I’m past it.”

“I shouldn’t have talked about her like that. I didn’t mean it,” Dominic replies. “I think this could still work. I have the plan ready to go. If we leave in the next hour we could be in Rhode Island by eight at the latest. Then we can gather the men together and head out by morning.”

“We’re gonna need to go in guns blazing. I want this finished. I want this guy out of the picture,” Massimo states.

“Then let’s do this,” I reply and the three of us head out.

It’s time for the real war.

Chapter Forty-Three


We made it to Rhode Island before midnight.

We went straight back to the house we left. The second we put our bags down we started gathering our support teams.

Our guys arrived earlier and we have strength from Chicago.

It’s ten o’clock in the morning and in the living room we currently have two of the most ruthless bosses I know of. Claudius Morientz and Vincent Giordano arrived with the main guys in their crew. Vincent has his three brothers and his cousin. Claudius has his men who make up The Four. Add them together with us and I feel we have a chance.

Dominic has been looking at the plans for Nickoli’s house. He’s managed to track Mortimer the way he did last time and he’s actually there. Thank God I had the good sense to hold my tongue when I was talking to Alfonse. I never explained How it was we found Mortimer. That part would have been a mystery to him.

“We’ll have to use the underground pass to get on to the grounds of the property,” Dominic explains. This is the final run through of what we’re doing. “I’ve set a virus to lock down their surveillance. That means we can’t see inside either. Once we get in that’s it. He’s got the place surrounded. There will be guards everywhere, even more so now that Mortimer is there.”

“I get to kill him,” I say before anyone else can talk. “I want the chance.”

“It’s all yours,” Massimo replies.

I tip my head in appreciation.

After a few more minutes of brainstorming we head out.

The underground path is the sewers that cover the whole area. As it’s dark we carry flashlights. To me this is the part that will shock the shit out of them the most.

Us, vicious creatures emerging from the sewers like we’re pouring in from hell.

I’m going in packing some serious weapons. My guns for taking out the vermin and my knives for Mortimer’s head.

It takes about an hour for us to get through the passage. There are two entrances. One to the front of the house and another at the back near the lake. We’ve got our men heading to the front while we take the back.

The men at the front will be keeping the bulk of the guards distracted so we can get the chance to get in the house.

“Ready boys?” Massimo says into his communicator. “On three let’s go in and get this motherfucker.”

I pull my revolvers from my back pocket. I’m killing anything that moves.

“One. Two. Three. Let’s go.”

We kick out the railed metal entrance and file out. We’re just near the garden so we don’t see the first guard until we get closer to the house. I end him before he can process what he’s seeing.

Dominic takes down the next guard but by then we’ve got company. There are twenty of us with the skin of triple the amount of us.

We wipe out most of the men shooting at us within minutes.

Moving forward we shoot up the floor to ceiling glass windows of what looks like the living room and get in through there.

It’s a massive house but I’m sure they must know that trouble is here and they must know we’re only people who can bring it to them.

I keep moving forward. with the guys. Massimo and I are at the head while we have our support line backing us up.

I pass a room with someone shouting inside for help. I recognize the voice as Sacha’s and stop. Fuck, I didn’t even contemplate that they would have him too. I told Alfonse where he’d be because I wanted Isabella to have Sacha’s protection.

“You guys keep going.

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