Dark Captor - Faith Summers Page 0,100

need anything we can hold on to for hope.”

I nod agreeing.

“I think whatever happens next is what’s meant to be,” I say.


That is what I have to accept. It will help me prepare for better or for worse.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


I walk into Massimo’s house and sigh.

Today was long and stressful but I got everything done. Plans are all in place for our trip back to Rhode Island.

Everything is ready and the men we’re taking have been briefed on the mission plans. It’s just to get it done now.

I walk down the corridor and decide to go through the back passage to avoid everyone. Everyone meaning Isabella. I managed to avoid talking to her all day yesterday and being away today has helped with the distancing.

I turn the corner heading into the second living room and it’s just my luck that I nearly crash into her. I have to steady her to stop her from falling over.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” she apologizes quickly.

As I hold her I remember how much I miss her, and miss feeling like she was mine. Realizing I’m just holding her and staring, I let go.

“Sorry, I wasn’t looking either.” I was, but it’s something to say.

She gives me a coy smile and the sweet rose color fills her cheeks.

“Well it’s nice to see you. I was just getting something to eat. Candace gave me sugar last night and I can’t stop eating.” She sounds nervous.

“It’s good you’re eating. Regardless to what it is.”

“Yeah I guess.”

I should go. This prolonged tension is throwing me off and screwing with me. I would like to know how she is though. Just to see how she’s doing.

“Are you okay?”

She nods. “Yeah. It’s nice here. Everyone’s been great. How are you?”

We sound like that old married couple who are struggling to find things to talk about.

“I’m okay.”

“Are you ready for Friday?”

“Yeah, all set.”


“What no kiss?” comes a voice from the dark living room.

Isabella and I both turn to look. The lights comes on and Dominic comes into view with it.

My blood runs cold when I see he’s got his gun resting against the side of his head. Casual, like it’s nothing.

“Dominic,” I rasp out.

He stands but he staggers and his eyes have that spaced out look which look more pronounced when he smiles.

“I came in here and I can’t remember what for. To polish my gun, sniff a little heroine or watch you two,” he answers with a laugh that sounds off key.

He’s high.

Fucking hell. Christ… this is all we need now. But there’s going to be a reason for it. I’m just not prepped.

“Dominic put the gun away,” I demand.

“No. Not yet. hate that fucking vase,” he says and shoots the vase in the corner. It smashes and I move Isabella behind me. “And that fucking picture of that stupid shit.” Another bullet echoes and lands in a painting of some abstract designs.

“Dominic stop it,” I yell.

“Fuck you,” he turns to me and waves the gun around. “Look at you acting all noble. The underboss by day, and by night you fuck the enemies daughter. You should be ashamed of yourself. How quickly you forget it was her father’s fault that Alyssa’s dead. Her father did that to you and you don’t care. All you care about is your fucking dick and pussy.”

I’m numb and I’m infuriated. He’s saying things I’ve already battled in my mind. While I can’t see Isabella I know she must be completely humiliated.

“I saw the two of you on the island, fucking, fucking without a care in the world. Alyssa was reason enough not to go there Tristan, but Pa…” he winces and then I see the answer to what happened to him. He’s grieving. “Gonna deny it? here’s proof.”

To my horror he presses a button on his phone and the wide screen tv comes on with footage of Isabella’s bedroom back on the Island. The two of us are in bed having sex. The image of us is there and our moans and groans of pleasure fill the room.

My eyes are fixed on the screen before me of me devouring the woman I shouldn’t have had. Dominic is high and acting on it, but what he said is shit he’s wanted to say. What he’s doing is what he truly wanted to do.

Isabella grabs on to my shirt and I dare not look at her. It was my fault we crossed that line. Not hers. I

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