Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,91

his advice, and I’ve nearly got them to the back of the greenhouse. Typical, something goes wrong on the way there. Right in front of me, in the middle of the greenhouse is a stunning grey wolf. His fur shimmers like the moon, silver coating his fur like someone has brushed it through. The midday sun shines through the glass windows of the greenhouse, highlighting him and his impressive form even more. The wolf is like no wolf I’ve seen in any movie or science book; he holds so much more power in his stance. He stands above my head, and the sheer size of him is shocking enough I drop my flower buckets and they spray across the floor between us.

But he doesn’t even notice or flinch as water pours around his paws.

Neither do I as I meet his eyes and really see who he is. And why I’m not afraid and running screaming like I should be right now.

This wolf would never hurt me.

“Myles,” I whisper, leaning closer, and in the blink of an eye, he jumps on me, knocking me to the floor as his claws lightly cut into my stomach. I know he isn’t trying to hurt me, but I cry out from the shock and look down as he lifts my top with his nose. The sentiment should be nice, but I’m scared and shake as he licks my cuts before he climbs off me, jumping over my head into the lavender bush. Climbing to my feet, I lift my shirt, seeing three lines that glow with a green light, and they don’t hurt anymore.

What the ever-loving fuck?

“Shite, I’m sorry, Kaitlyn,” Myles states as he rushes to me, buck naked. My eyes widen as I realise Myles has hidden an amazing body under his clothes. Rippled muscles for days, a slim waist, and a six-pack any guy would envy. He isn’t bulky like Henry or Ren, but he clearly has been working out, and he is perfect.

Jesus Christ.

The wolf that says I’m his looks like he has the body of a Greek god. I try not to look lower. I swear I try.

And so fail.

Without a care in the world that he is naked, Myles covers my stomach with his hand, leaning down to inspect the cut.

“It’s my wolf’s way of marking you. I let him out for a run...and he took over,” Myles says with so much guilt in his voice it hurts me to hear it. Shaking my head, I lift his head with my hands so he meets my gaze. His hair feels soft under my hands as I don’t know what to say, but everything seems to disappear as we look into each other’s eyes.

“I don’t mind. It’s just another scar, but at least this one will remind me of you,” I softly say, and he shakes his head like I’m crazy. I might actually be, now we are on this subject. A door opens somewhere nearby, and I jump away from Myles as I realise he might get caught.

“You should get some clothes on and hide,” I whisper, and he grins.

“Meet me at Thallon’s house,” Myles says before he rushes off into the bushes and all but disappears from sight. I go to the buckets, picking them up and gathering flowers as a vampire walks near me, a gold chain glittering from his hand, and I follow it to see Jessica in tow with her head bent down, but I know her.

I almost miss her taunts, her being a pain in my ass.

“Do you want some help? My angel can pick those up,” the guy asks, pausing to look down at me. I meet Jessica’s eyes as they meet mine, and she lowers herself to her knees, gathering some flowers. The way she does exactly what she is told without an argument makes me worried for her state of mind. The Jessica I knew would have told us both to fuck off and fought the vampire if he dared to make her do anything.

This girl is a shadow of someone I knew. Just like the academy is.

“Thanks,” I say to the vampire, but it’s all for Jessica, and I hope she knows it. “Jessica used to be a friend of mine,” I say, even though it burns to lie and my body resists it. Light angels can’t lie...but half vampires sure as hell can. This new realization of mine has to be useful somehow. “And I would love to hear

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