Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,84

them like this?” I whisper. “It makes no sense.”

“The light above controls the angels... It/he/whatever is to blame,” she says.

“What even is the light above? The Great Light? Whatever its name is. Do you know for sure? Everyone talks about it, but no one ever says what it is,” I whisper. “I think he might be a god.”

“He is a god,” she whispers so softly I nearly don’t hear her. “The vampires believe the light above is a god who is banished from mortal realms for betraying a goddess. That’s why he can never come down and control us...but the angels live in the city under his power.”

“He spoke to me as I fell from the academy,” I admit. “His voice haunts me, and not in a good way.”

Vesnia pulls me in close for a hug. “It shouldn’t be up to you, but it is. Who is right or wrong in this war? Who should win? Who should lose?”

“Who knows?” I answer, and she leans back, meeting my eyes.

“We both know it must be you. It’s shit that is…but it’s true,” she replies.

“Why is it up to me?” I question, shaking my head.

“Because you’re here, and Ren will only trust you. Make him end this war...help us find peace for all of us, or there will be a war. And the skies will burn with vampire and angel blood,” she whispers to me, and I wonder when my best friend became so wise. I wrap my arms tightly around her as all thoughts of my relationships and who I love go out the window. My love life is nothing in comparison to stopping the war.

I have to make Ren see sense before it’s too late.

Chapter 43

“Are you sure?” I ask Thallon for the tenth time as I finish off my section of roses in the greenhouse. He looks up from the flower bush he is cutting and winks at me.

“I’m fine and nearly all healed. I want to finish the work here, and then I will come up. Go and get some rest, you look exhausted,” he suggests. Again. Thallon might have a point though. Vampire training was particularly difficult today, and I’m exhausted from running constant laps and jumping the space of six pillars...of which I hit each of them more than once with my body instead of landing on them. I ache all over, but I promised Thallon I would help with the gardening today, and I don’t want to let him down. Thallon sighs and comes over to me as I stand up. He stops in front of me and picks up my hand, tugging off my gardening glove before lifting my hand to his mouth. He presses a simple kiss on the palm of my hand, and I smile at him. Thallon has a way of settling me, calming me, and I love it. The world can be super complicated and dangerous, but Thallon makes it feel safe. I’m lucky to have him in my life.

“See you in a bit. The wolf is making dinner,” he tells me, and I’m stupidly happy about that. Things have been weird between me and Myles for the last week since he told me I’m his true mate, but he has been checking in. I don’t know what to say to him, but I do know I don’t want him out of my life, and so we will figure something out somehow. We have to. I kiss Thallon on the cheek before leaving him in the greenhouse and heading for my room. leaving him in the greenhouse and making my way through the main room before I get to the stairs when I stop, feeling something strange. Something different. I spin around, and a scream escapes my lips when something sharp slams into my ribs. I look down to see a dagger inside my ribs, just before the insane pain slams into me, and I drop to the steps, collapsing as I struggle to breathe and my body rolls down the many steps until I slam onto the cold floor. I look up as two high heels step in front of my face, and Miranda looks down at me. She lifts her shoe and places it on top of the dagger, and I scream as she pushes it further in.

“My Ren is too busy to help you now. This is my only chance to get rid of you,” she exclaims, and I hate that she knows my nickname for him.

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