Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,78

“Bryne, we can work something else out later. Less publicly. Thanks.” Bryne nods at Henry before stepping away and slamming the door shut.

“Wait, no!” I shout, banging the door, and Henry grabs my arms, spinning us around and pinning me to the wall. I try to ignore how good it feels to have his hard body pressed against mine, how he smells like mint with a masculine undertone. His eyes burn so much brighter now he is better, and the embers seem to flicker to life when he is close to me, just like my heart flickers to life, banging against my chest. I lick my lips as we stare at each other, drawing Henry’s attention to them, and every memory of us kissing bursts into my mind. Closing my eyes, I remember Vesnia. “Let me go, Henry!”

“Listen to me, darlin’. This isn’t the way,” Henry softly warns me, and I sink a little bit on the wall. I knew this was risky and the chances of me getting to see Vesnia were slim, but I had to try. “I know you miss Vesnia, but this is only going to attract attention to her, and it won’t be the good kind. Come with me.”

Henry lets me go and holds his hand out, waiting for my answer. I look at the door one more time, wishing I could tell Vesnia that I will find a way to save her and figure all this out somehow. I’ve never once felt this powerless.

And lost.

Looking back at Henry’s outstretched hand, I slide mine into his, feeling his rough palm brush against mine until his large hand covers mine and links our fingers. Henry takes me around the corner of the corridor and through two double doors onto a balcony that overlooks the back of the academy. “Why don’t you fly with me?”

“Flying isn’t something I’ve mastered,” I say, biting down on my bottom lip. Henry steps closer and wraps his arms around my waist, and I simply let him like he belongs to me. My body and soul warmly accept him, whereas my heart and mind are all kinds of confused. His wings stretch out at his sides before he moves them once, twice, and then our feet leave the ground. I instantly dig my fingers into the muscles on his arms as he flies us higher in the air until we are just above the academy. The wind whips around us as he holds me in the air and grins.

“Don’t hate me.” Before I can reply, he pushes me away from him, and I spin as I fall through the air, a scream catching in my throat. Frantically, I move my wings the best I can, and slowly I realise I need to glide. I spread my wings out, and the wind catches me, pushing me up in the air and letting me hover. Henry flies to my side, flying next to me, and I glare at him for a moment until he laughs, and I can’t help but laugh with him. He spins around in the air, and I copy him, staring up at the bright colours spread across the sky as the sun slowly sets.

This is incredible.

I spin back around and look for Henry, who flies out of a cloud and straight for me, stretching out his hand. I take his hand, and he pulls me behind him, down towards the academy gardens near his house, and he lands first before tugging me into his arms until my feet touch the floor. I can’t wipe the biggest smile off my face as we grin at each other, and my breath halts as he reaches closer and tucks a loose strand of my hair off my nose and behind my ear. We stare at each other, both of us knowing if we kiss now, then there is no going back. Henry and I have always felt like two planets about to crash into each other or miss each other entirely. If we crash, it will be life-changing, and we won’t go back. I know it’s too late for me. I knew I loved Henry Ravaric from the second I heard he was sick and it shocked me how I would fall apart if I ever lost him. It shocked me that loving Henry was as natural as breathing…but everything got so complicated, so quickly.

Henry’s lips find mine first, and I openly accept him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he deepens

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