Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,69

You would need to ask him,” Henry says when he catches up with me.

Oh gods, that’s even worse. We head out into the main part of the academy, past the dining room and into the greenhouse, and I come to a halt as I see Riley. The world slows down as I see my old best friend with a glittering gold chain wrapped around his bruised throat. His once shiny blond hair is greasy, messy and pushed to the side, and his white wings are missing several feathers in places, and he looks so thin, so pale and sickly. A part of my heart that he will always have hurts for him, despite everything he did. We grew up together, and he will always be a brother to me, even though we can never be friends again.

I follow the chain to a beautiful female vampire with jet black hair, dark skin and a slim body in black slacks and a thin white jumper. The vampire passes us with only one small glance of disgust at me, but my eyes stay fixed on Riley.

“I’m sorry.” His two words do nothing to fix the hole in my heart he caused. Before he can say another word, the vampire tugs hard on the chain, and he stumbles out into the corridor.

“Karma can be a cruel mistress,” Henry whispers to me as we keep on walking towards my first class, even as I feel stupidly upset over seeing Riley like that. Treated like an animal.

We get to the first class, and Henry walks in before me. I follow him in to see a class of twenty, ten vampires with their angels sat next to their side. The older vampire at the front of the class, who I don’t recognise, points at a desk three down. I freeze when I see Vesnia right at the back next to her vampire, Bryne. Vesnia has a fresh bite mark on her neck, and Bryne’s arm rests across the back of her chair in a possessive manner as he meets my eyes with his pale blue ones. Surprisingly, he bows his head respectfully before looking at Vesnia, who smiles at me. Not a fake smile, but a nervous one either way.

“Sit down before I make you,” the teacher commands from behind me, her thick Russian accent hard to understand straight away. Henry tugs my elbow, snapping me out of my stare with Vesnia and leads me to the seats. I sit down as the teacher smooths down her grey pin jacket over her curvy red dress that matches her shiny red shoes and light red hair clipped up. “Welcome to vampire coven class, and I am Miss Flete. For our new student, a slight recap might be needed. All the lessons in this academy teach our young the basic knowledge of vampire history, vampire needs and powers. This class is specially designed for learning about vampire covens and how they are created. Will anyone tell Miss Lightson how a coven is first developed?”

A shaky hand near the front goes up and Miss Flete nods for whoever it is to answer. “A coven cannot exist without a master. Master vampires are known as the king or queen of a coven, and therefore covens begin with a master vampire.”

“Perfect answer,” Miss Flete agrees. “There were once thousands of master vampires and thousands of covens of all sizes. Since the war, there is now only one coven under Master Erendriel Raloxisys’s rule, and until he has children, there will be no other covens. This class will prepare you for a future where multiple covens will be possible, and don’t we all look forward to that day?”

Some of the vampires nod, some cheer, and one angel who I don’t know just laughs. “Not before the angels kill him.”

Her words might have been quiet, but they seem to echo around the room. In the blink of an eye, Miss Flete picks up the light angel by her neck and rips one of her wings off like paper, throwing it on the ground. Blood splatters around the classroom, and I scream as I stumble back, Henry’s arm wrapping around my waist and pushing me back down into my seat. He kisses my cheek as I turn away from all the blood. “Don’t react.” Henry’s warning stays with me as Miss Flete pauses, and the door opens. The angel keeps screaming as Ren steps in and crosses his arms.

“What did I tell you about killing

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