Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,5

finish The Angel Academy, you will have a brilliant life and find your place in the world of the angels. Welcome to Neamh, the home of the angels, and blessed be the angels,” Professor Louton says, and every angel in the room repeats her parting words as I look towards Riley.

“What the frigging hell do we do next?” I whisper. “This is some messed up cult shit. We need to escape.”

“No clue, Katy, but it isn’t a cult. Okay, maybe it is, but doesn’t being an angel sound pretty cool?” he asks, and I look away. No, it doesn’t because I didn’t choose this.

And I don’t like the sound of the price we are going to pay to the light above. Whatever the heck that is.

“All new students, please make a line and follow after me, and the students finishing their year one must stay behind to make their choice. Master Gabriel will be guiding you, and blessed be the angels no matter which side you pick,” Professor Louton states, and nearly every student gets up right away, including Riley. I only get up when he pulls on my arm, and we get into the line that follows Professor Louton back into the corridor we came from. There is laughter from the other angels in the room, and I follow the sound to clash my gaze with a pair of golden flame-filled eyes, just before I head into the corridor and out of sight.

Tugging Riley’s arm towards me, I whisper, “Where do you think they are taking us?”

“Nowhere good, that I’m sure of. I’m Vesnia Burns,” a girl right behind me answers for Riley, and I look back, seeing her curly red hair that reminds me of my own hair, except that it is as red as blood. Her eyes are nearly black but with tints of brown, and her pale-skinned face is covered in freckles.

“I actually agree with you. I’m Kaitlyn Lightson, and this is my best friend, Riley Becker,” I reply.

“You’re lucky you came in here with someone,” she answers, her eyes nervously looking around.

“I don’t think any of us are lucky,” I whisper back as cold air blows around my cloak, and we get to the end of the corridor, where nothing but a cliff edge and the brisk night sky greet us.

“Stand in a line by the edge. Be careful,” Professor Louton demands, and reluctantly I do as she asks, standing between Riley and Vesnia. The cold is brutal as my bare feet dig into the flat stone below me.

“Do you see creatures flying below you?” Professor Louton asks. I lean over the edge just a little bit as everyone else does, and I’m shocked silent by the sight in front of us. In the night sky, hundreds of horses of many different colours fly around the clouds, disappearing in and out of them. I can’t see the ground, and it makes me wonder exactly how high up we are. “These are flying horses, and they are gifts for new angels. They will be your familiars, yours to look after and trust in. Now catch one.”

“What do you mean—” Vesnia asks just as something hard slams into my back, and I scream as I fall off the edge of the cliff.

Chapter 4

The arctic air bites and scrapes against my skin, filling my lungs like I just swallowed a jug of ice water, and every part of my body freezes in pure shock. My tears disappear in the wind as I rapidly fall, spinning around in circles until I stretch my arms and legs out, hoping to stop it. I force my eyes open, looking down to see the horses below me and how they are flying around, and some are super close. Underneath them are tall mountains, again all filled with flying horses that fly around them. A nearby scream reaches my ears, and I look to my left to see Riley and five other students rapidly falling. I try to move my body towards him, but a gush of wind sends me spiralling to the right and losing sight of Riley altogether. I gasp as I fall right past a horse who moves to dodge me, and I try to breathe and think.

They wouldn’t just want to kill us.

This has to be a test...and what could they want? I look back up at the horse I just passed, Professor Louton’s words drifting back to me.

“These are flying horses, and they are gifts for new angels.

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