Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,139

that out loud. We hug one more time before leaving the shop and going into the alleyway by the side of the building. Vesnia uses a travel stone, a gift from the tales, to make a portal and step through to her home. I use my magic, making a portal on the other side of the alley to the beach near my house on the island. I step through onto the beach and instantly take my shoes off, sinking my feet into the warm sand.

“Mummy!” a tiny voice shouts, and I turn around to see my little six-year-old boy running across the beach right for me. His black hair, a big surprise to us all as we expected the baby to have my blonde hair, is thick with curly locks, and his eyes are the very image of Henry’s. He looks so much like him, but he is a master vampire. We could sense the power he has from before he was even born, and we have no doubt our son will run his own coven one day. One day. I’m not nearly close to letting go of my boy yet. I grab him under the arms, spinning him around as he laughs before I hug him tightly. Theodore Gabriel Lightson is the light of our lives. Our happy ending. We chose to stick with my last name because choosing between all his dads was difficult. “Daddy Myles found a cool shell. Want to see it?”

“Of course I do,” I say, putting him back down. He holds my hand tightly as I look across the beach, seeing Ren, Henry, Thallon and Myles in wolf form sitting on the beach. They each watch us, the love so clear in their eyes. It’s been a long few years for us as we finished off building the island, and more vampires came out of the woodwork. The coven is now nearly ten thousand strong, and they even sing songs about me and my mates. Ren officially made Myles, Thallon and Henry royal advisors before Theo was born. The pregnancy was a total shock to us all, but we couldn’t have been more delighted. The birth was difficult and the most pain I’ve ever been in, but this time it was different from any pain I had before. This time, I got the greatest gift in the world from the pain. Theo drags me down the beach, past my guys who smile at me, and to the pile of shells on a picnic blanket close by. Theo shows me all the shells he found with one of his dads and how he loves the dark blue curly one the most. He can add them to his collection in his room.

“How was lunch with Vesnia?” Ren asks me as I sit back, crossing my legs and enjoying the rare sunny day we get on the island. South America did not have that problem, and Theo loved the hot sunny weather as much as we did.

“Amazing. She is close to having her little girl,” I say, and while we are on the topic... “Where is Aala today?”

“With her boyfriend,” Thallon grumbles, and Myles’s wolf huffs. None of my mates were impressed with their little girl getting a boyfriend last year, but I was so happy for her. The boyfriend is a tale, and he really does seem to care about her. I try not to get too involved. “Talk of the devil,” Thallon says, nodding his head behind me. I turn back to see Aala walking down the pathway to the beach with her boyfriend at her side. He has bright blond hair and a cheeky smile, and for a second, I wonder what their children might look like. Aala met her boyfriend at the tales academy where all our young attend, as well as angel children and wolves. The demons have their own schools, but there are some half breeds that attend the Lost Time Academy. We never had to worry about Aala at the academy, not with her aunt Hazel there to watch her closely. Hazel’s little boy regularly comes and stays with us, and he is the sweetest little boy. Prince runs at their side, and I did wonder where our big fluffy dog had gotten to. We still don’t know what breed he is, but Ren suspects a mixture of a few kinds, but he is just white and fluffy, and incredibly loyal. Prince runs to me, licking my cheek before I

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