Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,132

but my vampire strength and speed should give me a boost. Their wings and powers might be an issue though.

“She is the vampire queen, don’t you recognise her?” the angel on the left questions. I lift my spear as the middle angel decides to attack, and we crash together in the middle of the clearing. The second angel attacks me from my left, and I kick out at him before slashing him with my sword, catching his leg. He goes down as the middle angel hits me hard with the sword, cutting my side. I push away the pain as I spin around, using my vamp speed to sprint to a nearby pillar and run up it. I push my legs off the pillar, jumping into the air and crashing down on the middle angel with my sword, which snaps his and gives me a clear view of his chest. The cracking of his ribs as my sword slides into him makes me feel sick. He drops to the floor, and I spin around with my spear, wondering why the third angel hasn’t attacked me yet. The angel stares at me, and I halt as I see his eyes.

Riley pulls off his helmet, throwing it onto the ground between us, and we stare at each other over the dead angels between us.

“Don’t get in my way, Riley,” I coldly warn him.

As if I stabbed him already, he almost takes a step back, hurt shining in his eyes. “Everything I’ve done is for you! I kept you alive! How could you betray me!”

“Betray you?” I shout back, almost laughing. “You tried to kill me the last time we met and instead killed an innocent vampire. You were my best friend, and more than once you have tried to kill me now!”

“I wasn’t going to kill you; my aim is good. I would have only caught your side and made you stop! You were running away from me!” he shouts, taking another step closer to me. I flick my eyes to the door, knowing I need to end this now. Riley is just taking up time, and another angel could come, making it harder for me to do this. “Don’t you dare, Katy!”

Ignoring him completely, I bolt for the doors, knowing I will be quicker than he is. I crash into the doors, noticing they are locked with chains. I grip the thick links, pulling at them, then hearing them start to crack just as Riley grabs my waist and throws me away from the doors. I stumble on my feet before I fall on my face, seeing a sword on the floor nearby. I pick it up as Riley storms over to me, his sword held at his side. His anger-filled eyes clash with mine as we both strike out at each other at the same time, the clang of our swords vibrating down my arm.

“I was always better than you in class. Give up now, Katy,” he taunts as I push all my strength into the next blow, knocking him back a step. He is right, Riley was always better than me at sword fights, but then again, I wasn’t a vampire back then. Using my vamp speed, I hit faster and harder, knocking him back and back until he is pressed against the archway, where there is one hell of a fall on the other side. “I can keep you safe if you stop. Just stop, Katy!” he screams at me, hitting back harder with his sword, and swiftly he manages to cut my upper arm.

“Fuck,” I swear, stumbling a little, and he takes advantage, knocking my sword out of my hand and lifting the tip of his sword to under my neck.

“I will always win against you, Katy. Let me help you, I will keep you safe and—” He stutters, shock clouding his eyes as he looks down. My hand is still wrapped around the knife I’ve just slammed into his stomach, blood pouring around the metal blade and down his white trousers. Tears fill my eyes as he drops the sword, stumbling back to the archway. My heart cracks as he reaches for me, but I don’t catch him. I do what he did to me, I let him fall. Riley falls backwards off the side of the castle, and I close my eyes for a moment, both my hands shaking harshly.

I just killed my childhood friend.

And I hate that it was me that had to do

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