Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,13

I answer.

“Kaitlyn Lightson, and yes, they are. I lost a few in the beginning, but it’s well worth the effort for the beauty that appears,” I explain. “My mum and I came up with a neat trick, but it’s a secret.”

Thallon seems amused by my response as Riley steps closer to me, his arm returning around my waist. “I am the gardener for the academy, and I would love an assistant with special secrets. Would you be up for the job?”

“No—” Riley tries to answer for me, but I elbow him in the ribs.

“Yes, I would love that,” I reply, and Thallon smiles as Riley coughs in annoyance. “So do you have any roses here?”

“This way, Kaitlyn,” he nods his head to the side, and I follow him through the plants until we get to a clearing. Right in the middle is a giant statue of three angels. They all look up at the sky, at the hole in the greenhouse above them, and at their feet is hundreds of roses of all different colours. The roses twist and climb around the bottom of their stone ropes, and it’s designed so beautifully.

“I think Angel Academy just got a hell of a lot better,” I say and grin at Thallon.

“Agreed,” he whispers so only I can hear him before raising his voice, “Let’s carry on with the tour. This way leads to the dining halls, where you can get food anytime you need, but breakfast and dinner are served to your rooms. Lunch and snacks are all that can be found in here, but they don’t give out the good stuff like sweets unless there is a party.”

“I don’t trust him, and neither should you,” Riley whispers to me, and I turn to frown at him.

“Why?” I ask, but he doesn’t answer me.

We follow Thallon through the academy as he explains our new home, and Riley doesn’t say another word.

I might not know Thallon, but I’m not judging him because Riley doesn’t like him. Riley has never liked anyone that tried to be my friend growing up. I always worried it was because he liked me as more than a friend, but Riley promises it isn’t that. He said he just wants to protect me, but when does protecting becoming smothering?

I’m sure I’m about to find out.

Chapter 8

After a long day of being toured around, we finally get back to our rooms. Vesnia hugs me goodbye before going into her room, and I head into mine, surprised to see several things on my bed. I shut the door behind me and sit on my bed, picking up the map first. It’s a clear map of the academy and where everything is. I pick up the blue paper next and see a class schedule written on it.

Monday- Equestrian Studies / Flight Beginner Class

Tuesday- History of Angels Class / Herbology

Wednesday- Intermediate Spear Training / Gym

Thursday- Light Angel Studies

Friday- Dark Angel Studies

Sat/Sun- Study Day

What the heck is spear training? I roll my eyes at the thought of me and a sharp spear. The only thing that is going to happen there is me somehow stabbing myself by accident—or stabbing someone else. Muttering to myself, I pick up the last note, which is on top of a white cloak that is similar to the cloak I had on last night, but this one is silky and has a strange black logo on the hood. I pick the note up and turn it over.

Be outside your room at six p.m. sharp. Wear the cloak.

I rest back on my bed and sigh, knowing I shouldn’t like Angel Academy at all, but even I have to admit this place is pretty cool for a school.

“Kat! Kat!” Vesnia’s voice drifts to me, and I hazily wake up, seeing her in a white cloak, standing over me on my bed. “It’s two minutes to six, and we are going to be late.”

“Shit,” I mutter, jumping up and picking my cloak up. I hurry to put it on as we leave my room and rush up the stairs, where everyone else is waiting for us. For the first time, I actually look at the other students other than Riley and Vesnia. Two girls with blonde hair that is very similar stay close together, a group of about four guys are talking quietly, but the rest of the students stand on their own, looking around with distrusting eyes. I don’t blame them. Riley is leaning against the wall in his white cloak,

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