Dark and Light - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,14

she explained, seeing his confused look. “At least here on Earth they do—that’s the stereotype, anyway.”

“I have known space pirates who have monocular vision,” Raze told her. “Cycloptians—you don’t want to mess with them.” He smiled. “But I think ‘pirate cat’ is a fine name. Now we just have to think of a name for the last one—the one that’s black and white all over.”

“I think Frannie is calling him ‘Spots’,” Luci told him. “I know it’s not nearly as good as Pirate Cat but—”

“It’s fine.” Raze smiled down at her. “I love the names your daughter came up with. She’s very intelligent, isn’t she?”

“She’s my good, smart girl,” Luci said with pride. She sighed. “I just wish I could spend more time with her—with all my kids. I work so many hours here, sometimes I feel like I never get to see them. I mean, don’t get me wrong—I love my job. I just wish I could do it part time and spend more time with my little ones, well…while they’re still little.”

“Why can’t you?” Raze looked mystified.

“The same reason I was in such a bind when my car broke down,” Luci told him. “Money. It’s not easy for a single mom to make it alone, you know?”

Raze frowned.

“I don’t understand why your government doesn’t offer you more support. On the Kindred Mother Ship, all females are compensated for raising young ones. A female can work if she wants—as much as she wants—and free childcare is available for that purpose. But if she would rather stay home, she will still get plenty of credit to survive and take care of herself and her family.”

Luci sighed longingly.

“Dios, I wish! Unfortunately that’s not the way it works here. I get a little help with food but that’s about it.” She shrugged.

“That isn’t right!” Raze exclaimed. “Someone ought to be taking care of you and your young ones.”

Luci bristled a little.

“I’m taking care of us,” she pointed out, a bit stiffly. “It’s not easy, but we manage. My mom helps and the kids are happy.”

“Of course they are. Forgive me,” Raze said formally. “I wasn’t implying you’re not good at taking care of your family. I just meant, well…it’s not the Kindred way for a female to have to be alone and raise her young ones all by herself with no male to help.”

“I have my Mom,” Luci pointed out. “She’s a lot more dependable with my kids than my ex ever was. And she doesn’t yell at them, either,” she added, before she could stop herself.

Raze’s frowned deepened.

“Your ex-mate shouted at your young ones?”

“Tony…had a very hot temper.” Luci wished she hadn’t brought it up. It made her feel like a bad mom to have stayed with her ex as long as she had. “Look, you have to let me thank you for fixing my car,” she said, hoping to change the subject. “How about having dinner with me and the kids tonight? I’ll cook you something special.”

The big Kindred’s face lit up.

“I’d like that very much, Lucia,” he rumbled. “But you have to let me buy the food—you just cook it.”

Luci put a hand on her hip.

“Look, I know I just told you money is a problem, but I can manage the groceries!”

“I’m sure you can,” Raze said mildly. “If you were cooking for a human male. But I have a big appetite. So please, let me buy the food and you just prepare it.”

“Well…” Luci bit her lip, practicality warring with pride.

It was true that her food budget was stretched to the breaking point, but she hated to seem like a charity case. It was just so hard to make ends meet when she had three kids to feed and only herself to depend on! She could never take a sick day or any time off, even though Dr. Canody would have given it to her—she simply couldn’t afford it. Dios, sometimes she just got so tired of being poor.

“Please, Lucia.” The big Kindred’s voice was a soft rumble. “Allow me to buy the food for the meal you’re going to make. It’s the custom of my people for the male to provide for a female if he can.”


Luci felt her stubbornness melting under that sexy, mismatched gaze of his. What was it about the big Kindred that drew her so strongly? Was it just that he was the first man she’d looked at since her divorce? Or the fact that he was so kind and gentle and patient—both

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