The Daring Twin - Donna Fletcher Page 0,9

welcomed husbands with open arms, children hurried to their fathers’ sides, and smiles of pride were settled upon their brave chieftain, Tarr of Hellewyk.

Tarr acknowledged the smiles with nods and waves, and noticed the curious glances given to the twins. His clan knew he had left to bring home a wife, and here he was with two identical women. Gossip would spread like wildfire. Soon all would be involved in attempting to solve their identities.

Tarr watched the sisters dismount, their only concern for Raynor as one kneeled beside him and the other stood nearby. He had hoped to find differences in them, but, thus far, they had succeeded in doing an excellent job at appearing identical in all manner. Both had raging, brilliant red hair that curled past their shoulders near to the middle of their backs. The green of their eyes reminded him of fresh meadow grass and their lips held the color of ripened apples. Their cream-colored skin was smooth, their round chins held high when they challenged, and their smiles broad. They were stunning women.

He ordered two of his men to follow him as he directed his stallion over to the twins.

“A cell awaits Raynor in the belly of my keep along with his men,” he said from his saddle.

Aliss did not look up at Tarr when she responded. “Then I remain there with him.”

“And I remain with my sister,” Fiona chimed in.

Tarr corrected both of them. “You both will stay where I put you.”

Aliss bolted to her feet and nearly shoved Fiona out of her way to walk over to Tarr. “Have you no heart that you would condemn a dying man to a prison cell?”

“He is my enemy and he condemned himself when he invaded my land.”

Aliss pointed at Raynor. “Can he hurt you now? Do you fear him so much that you imprison him when unconscious?”

Tarr felt her insult like a slap in the face. “I fear no man.”

“Then spare him more suffering with the short time left to him. Place him in guarded chambers if you must, but allow him to die in some comfort.”

This twin cared too much, Tarr thought. She had to be a healer, which meant she was Aliss.

“Please,” Fiona implored, her voice quavering.

Fiona’s plea shattered his opinion of both sisters and confused him even more. He had thought her the one who bravely fought beside him, or was she now playing her part well?

“A bargain, then,” he said, a sudden thought giving him a taste of impending victory. “Let Fiona step forward and I will keep Raynor from my dungeon.”

Aliss spoke up. “You must think us fools to bargain over a man who death will soon claim.”

Fiona moved to her sister’s side to show solidarity.

A groan from Raynor caught all their attentions.

Aliss rushed to his side.

“You accuse falsely,” Fiona said. “It appears your keep was not attacked. What brought Raynor here? Do you not care to know the truth?”

Her thoughts mirrored his own. He was curious over the very same questions, which had come to mind when he arrived home. If by chance Raynor survived, he would learn the truth, so perhaps letting the twin see to his care would prove beneficial.

“Take Raynor to the bedchambers across from mine and place two guards outside the door,” Tarr ordered his men.

“A wise choice,” Fiona said.

“We shall see,” Tarr said curtly. “My concern now is to end this game you and your sister play. You will both join me in the great hall for the evening meal. It is time we three got to know each other.”

Raynor continued to groan as four hefty warriors transported him on the hauler to the second floor of the keep. He quieted when he was placed on the bed, but only for a moment, then he continued to moan softly and steadily.

“Help me rid him of his boots,” Aliss said to her sister. “Then we will see to his shirt. I want to make certain I missed no wounds.”

Fiona went to work on one leather boot as Aliss saw to the other.

“Tarr demands our presence at supper,” Fiona said, dropping the boot to the floor.

“I have work to do here. I have no time to eat.” Aliss collected both boots and set them aside. “His shirt.”

Aliss eased the wrapped plaid from his shoulder.

Fiona made quick work of his blood and grime-soaked shirt with her knife, slicing it down the middle, and with a few more quick swipes of her blade the shirt was off.

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