The Daring Twin - Donna Fletcher Page 0,84

tugged him back.

“A kiss,” she demanded with a smile. “I miss your lips on mine.”

His hand grasped her cheek, his thumb stroking her lips. “There will be no other lips but mine on yours.”

“I want no other lips but yours.” She grimaced. “The thought of another man kissing me makes me ill.” She poked his chest. “I would gut any man who attempted to kiss me and—”

He kissed her silent, and he did not relent until he felt her body melt against him. Then he tugged and nipped along her bottom lip and whispered, “Promise to let me protect you now and again?”


He nuzzled her neck, sending gooseflesh racing over her. “You will let me protect you or else . . .” He stopped nuzzling.

There was laughter in her green eyes when she looked up at him. “Do I detect a threat? Perhaps you think to keep your favors from me if I do not comply?”

“I did not say—” He gasped, her hand grabbing hold of his loins and stirring them to attention.

“A useless threat,” she laughed, squeezing the hard length of him. “We both know you cannot resist me.”

He grabbed her hand. “You play with danger.”

She licked her lips. “I like danger.”

That was enough for him. He grabbed her, swung her over his shoulder and turned to take the steps when he heard voices coming their way. He put her down reluctantly.

“We are not finished.”

Her grin was wide. “You are right; I have just started.”

She sauntered down the steps leaving him to stare at her swinging backside and grow more lustful as his imagination went wild.

She stopped, the voices near, and mouthed, I want to taste you.

He rushed to her side. “You will pay for this.”

“Promise?” She laughed with delight and was still laughing when Raynor and Kirk came into sight.

Chapter 31

Fiona had not only teased Tarr but herself as well. She was ready for him, not just moist but wet and aching. When he had tossed her over his shoulder, her passion spiked like a flame to a dry log. He could not get her to his bedchamber fast enough to her way of thinking.

Unfortunately they never made it there, and now here she sat in the great hall at a trestle table near the hearth with Tarr beside her and Raynor and Kirk across from them, discussing what?

Damn. She needed to pay better attention, but her passion refused to abate. Of course, Tarr’s leg pressing against hers did not help any.

It was only a leg, she told herself, but damn, damn, damn, if the heat of him did not penetrate her skirt or his muscle did not grow taut, relax then grow taut again. And why should all that excite her?

Because she wanted him so badly she could scream. Lord, did she enjoy making love with this man.

The clatter of tankards and pitchers being placed on the table interrupted her musings, and she silently scolded herself for getting lost in desire when there were more important matters to discuss.

“What do you know of Giann?” Tarr asked Raynor.

“That her predictions always prove true. Odo is more familiar with her than I am. She spoke with me only once, and her prophecy came true.”

“She predicted our reunion?” Fiona asked curious.

“She predicted that I would find my sisters.” He frowned. “Strange that I should just recall that she warned me to tell no one of this.”

“This Giann knows much and yet she is out of our reach,” Tarr said frustrated.

“That has never stopped you before,” Kirk challenged.

“Odo could help us,” Raynor suggested. “He knows Giann well.”

“That I do,” Odo said, entering from the shadows near the entrance to the hall.

“Sit,” Tarr offered, “and tell me what you know of this Giann.”

“I concur with Raynor,” Odo said, and instead of sitting he stood near the hearth. “Her predictions always ring true as Raynor has proved.”

“What had she told you of the twins’ abduction?” Tarr asked.

“Not enough to offer any hope of finding them, though obviously with her words to Raynor, she had known they would be found.”

“Giann is the key to this mystery,” Fiona said.

“Is it known where she resides?” Kirk asked.

Odo answered. “The Wolf clan is probably where you will find her. She favors the people there.”

Fiona watched the way Odo’s eyes shifted around the room, looking at everyone whether he spoke to them or not. He was a man much aware of his surroundings, and prepared. She noticed he made certain to stand with his back protected by the Copyright 2016 - 2024