Dare to Tempt - Carly Phillips Page 0,34

his mind had gone there already, but Evie brought something unexpected to his life. The urge to protect someone who wasn’t family. The emotions that had built in his chest when he’d come deep inside her body were foreign but clearly meaningful. As was the desire to just be with her and enjoy her company. That she’d trusted him with her deepest fear and pain had been humbling. And he wanted to build on that trust.

“Ready to deal with my brother?” she asked.

“Definitely.” He wanted a solution to the loose cannon that was John, lurking in the shadows and threatening Evie.

As they headed downstairs, the doorbell rang.

He let Mack inside and the man immediately pulled his sister into an embrace. “Jesus. If you weren’t with Damon, I would have come right away.”

She hugged him back. “I know. And I’m okay.”

He released her and Damon led them to the family room, his favorite room in his house. The huge leather couch with recliners on either end had been a find. Of course, he’d hung a large-screen television on the wall, and his mother had discovered a unique rock formation table to sit in front of the sofa. One that could withstand Damon and his brothers propping their feet on, which, after encouraging Evie to sit, Damon did.

“I’m going to kill the bastard,” Mack said, pacing back and forth in front of the table, his agitation clearly preventing him from sitting down.

“I want him off the streets,” Evie said. “He can’t go around threatening me with a knife.” She shuddered at the memory, and Damon pulled her into him, a move not missed by her eagle-eyed brother, who narrowed his gaze.

Damon shot him a level stare, shrugged, and kept his arm around Evie, making his point. He was here to stay. In case he hadn’t been clear enough the other day.

Mac inclined his head. “Well, I did some digging. John’s unemployed. Can’t get a job with his record, which is probably why he’s so pissed at you. I’m sure he could have found you before now, but seeing you hanging with the star of the Miami Thunder clearly set him off.”

“Clearly,” Evie muttered.

“I think he’s spiraling and I want to find him. I have an APB out on him. Don’t worry. He’ll turn up,” Mack said by way of reassurance. But from the tight set of his shoulders, Damon wasn’t certain Mack knew where to find the SOB.

Evie shifted against him. “I should talk to his ex-wife. Maybe she’s heard from him.”

“No!” Damon and Mack shouted at once.

She shoved herself away from Damon and glared at both men. “Seriously?”

Damon squeezed her hand. “I have no doubt you’re capable of talking to her. I just don’t want to give John any more reason to go after you.”

Mack nodded in agreement. “And I don’t want you exposed, going to a place where John might actually show up.”

“I keep saying I can handle myself and he keeps making me look inept. I hate it.” She jumped out of her seat, agitated and upset.

Damon met Mack’s gaze. He was concerned about Evie, worried she’d do something to find John that was impulsive, just to prove she was capable.

“Stop with the looks, will you? I’m right here. I can make my own decisions and I’m also not stupid. I’ll call his ex. I still have her number.” With that, she stormed out of the room.

Mack shook his head, staring after her. “She’s always been stubborn and independent.”

“With four older brothers and a cop for a father, I imagine she felt the need to prove herself more often than not,” Damon said.

“Never thought of it like that.”

Damon rose to his feet. “Want a drink?” he asked the other man. “Soda? Water? Beer?”

“On duty and I need to get going. Look, she’s going to want to handle things herself. I need you to watch out for her,” Mack said, just as Evie walked back into the room and glared at her brother.

“Talking for me again? First, Amanda, John’s ex-wife, hasn’t seen or heard from him, but she promised to call if she does. Second, did you forget what I do for a living? I sure as hell will be more careful now.”

“I can’t just turn off worrying about you,” Mack said. “Are you going to stay here until we find him? Because your apartment is open with the catwalk, close to the elevator, and leaves you vulnerable.”

Damon had every intention of keeping Evie at his house, but he knew

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