Dare To Love - Lylah James Page 0,60

the moment, but Riley had been right. I couldn’t let them walk all over me.

Bethany’s minions surrounded her as she moaned and cried about her nose. I gave them a final glance and walked out of the bathroom.

I wasn’t Miss Popular; I wasn’t rich or the cheerleading captain… but the lack of these titles didn’t make me weak because I was no doormat.

The next time they threatened the people I loved, I’d show them my teeth and claws.



I stumbled out of school, my legs feeling a bit shaky. My knees were bruised from where they had slammed me on the bathroom floor. My lips throbbed, and I could feel a headache coming. That was one hell of a slap, kudos to Bethany.

As I walked through the main gates, the bus drove past me, and I stood there, dumbfounded. Damn it, I missed my bus. Fists clenched, I held in the urge to cry because now was not the time for it.

It was cold. I was moody and in pain.

But I. Would. Not. Cry.


My steps faltered at the sound of Maddox’s voice. Huh.

“Lila, what the fuck?” he called out. I looked over my shoulder to see him running toward me. His mouth was curled in a dark scowl as he approached me.

My dark hair fell as a curtain around my face, and I looked down at my feet. I didn’t want him to see the bruises, didn’t want his pity or his stupid, mocking laugh.

But Maddox, being Maddox…

He crowded into my space, his front pressing against my back. His arm curled around my waist, and he pulled me into his body.

“How did this happen?” he asked, his voice low and serious.

“What do you want?”

“The back of your skirt is ripped. Doesn’t look like an accident. Who did this?”


I pushed away from Maddox and reached behind me to realize that he was right. There was a large tear in my Berkshire skirt, big enough for my panties to be visible and everyone could see it. No wonder I felt the cold breeze on my ass.

Anger flared up inside me, and I let out a shuddering breath.

I didn’t want to cry because I was hurt or humiliated. They were tears of outrage, and I swiped at my cheeks, refusing to let Maddox see them.

“Lila,” Maddox said slowly. The sound of my name came from his lips so softly, as if he cared. It was stupid, but my heart still did a silly jump.

He grasped my shoulders and turned me around to face him. I kept my face lowered, but he was having none of that. His fingers grazed my cheeks, and he brushed my hair away from my face.

When he let out a string of curses, I knew he saw the bruises. His hand clenched my arm, and he dragged me to the bench. I tried to pull out of his grip, but he held tight.

He sat me down and knelt in front of me, looking like a dark, angry warrior. He was…pissed?

“Who did this?” he asked, his voice hard and strained.

“Your girlfriend,” I shot back. I wretched my hand from his grasp and crossed my arms over my chest. “She isn’t too happy about our friendship status.”

His eyes turned into slits, and he gave me a hard look. “Bethany,” Maddox hissed under his breath. “She’s going to regret this.”

I scoffed at that. “I don’t need a protector. I can take care of myself.”

His lips twitched. Even though his expression was hard and serious, the humor was back in his blue eyes. “No, you’re right. You’re the dragon.”

Ha. Very funny.

I rolled my eyes and looked around us. Most of the students had gone home already, and I was probably two or three of the few who took a bus, since everyone had a car or a driver to pick them up. Perks of being rich, I guessed.

“What are you doing here?”

Maddox dragged his fingers through his hair, still short since his last haircut. I couldn’t decide if I liked the long hair better, but I missed his poodle hair.

“Coach needed to speak to me. I was about to leave when I saw you walking out of the building and noticed the tear in your skirt. Nice panties, by the way. It reminds me of your cherry lips.”

Mental facepalm incoming: 3…2…1.

Maddox brought his hand up, his thumb brushing over my sore lips. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

I gave him a sheepish grin. “I can tell you about the part where I

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