Dare To Love - Lylah James Page 0,41

customer tried to catch my attention, waving his arm with irritation.

It was a busy night, much busier than the last few days, and we were short two servers. Both of them had called in sick last minute.

“Coming,” I called to him.

I served table eight their dinner, a tight smile on my face. “Let me know if you need anything else. Enjoy,” I said, chipperly. It was fake, I was feeling anything but chipper.

I went back to the man who was waving, fishing out my small notepad from the pocket of my apron. As I got closer to his table, I noticed that he had already ordered and ate his food. The plates were empty in front of him. Ah, so he needed the bill then.

I handed table five his bill and went along to the next table. The rush came and went. Hours later, I was dead on my feet and wishing I was in my bed. Kelly, my co-worker, who was also busting her ass, gave me an exhausting look as she passed me. “Table eleven. Can you grab it for me? I need the bathroom.”

I nodded. “I got it.”

I straightened my apron, took a last bite of my sandwich, wiped the corners of my mouth and made my way to the awaiting table.

I saw that he had already been served. “Hi, would you like anything else?”

My smile froze on my face, and I choked back a gasp. Are you kidding me?

Mr. Stalker aka Mr. Pain-in-my-ass aka Maddox grinned at me, an almost boyish look on his face with decadent mischief in his gaze. The second thing I noticed was that his poodle hair was gone. Holy shit, he cut it? Maddox’s long, shaggy dirty blond hair had been cut short. No more man buns, no more surfer swagger. Did he cut it because I called him Poodle? I didn’t think he was that offended, but I figured it bruised his ego.

“Yes. You,” Maddox said.

I recovered from my shock, picked up my jaw from the floor and snapped my mouth shut. “Excuse me?” I asked stiffly, still reeling from disbelief.

He pushed his chair back, extended his legs in front of him and crossed his arms over his wide chest. “You asked if I wanted anything else, I gave you my answer. You.” His teeth grazed his lower lips and he eyed me up and down in my waitressing outfit. “I've been wondering if your pussy tastes like cherry, too.”

Oh, for Pete’s sake.

“Maddox,” I hissed.

“Lila.” My name rolled off his tongue, like he was tasting it.

“What are you doing? This is my workplace.”

He quirked up an eyebrow. “I’m here for the food. I approve, by the way. Five stars for the food, five stars for your service.”

“You’re stalking me,” I deadpanned.

“I am,” he admitted, calmly and without any shame.

This was getting out of hand. It was unacceptable, but I couldn’t even say anything back. Not while I was still working. My boss was somewhat of a bitch, and I couldn’t risk pissing her off, so I bit my tongue and smiled.

“I’ll give you the bill. We close in thirty minutes,” I said, as politely as I could, the corners of my eyes twitching with the effort to keep from snapping at Maddox.

Turning on my heels, I walked away before he could say anything else. I prayed he’d be gone by the time my shift ended.

When the clock struck eleven thirty, I hurriedly fumbled with the strings of my apron. I went into the bathroom and quickly changed out of my waitressing uniform, jumping into my jeans and yanking my beige sweater over my head. Done and done. I had fifteen minutes to catch my bus, and it was the last bus for tonight.

As I walked out of the restaurant, I prayed… and hoped…

But nope.

There he was, standing against the lamp post next to the bus stop.

Deep breaths, Lila, I told myself.

My lips tightened into a firm line as I walked to the bus stop, stopping next to Maddox but refusing to acknowledge him. He was starting to become unbearable. Why did I even feel something for him before?

The smell of cigarette was strong in the air, and I rolled my eyes. “Smoking is bad.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. Cancer and shit.” From the corner of my eyes, I saw him take another long drag before exhaling a puff of smoke through his nose.

My lips curled in revulsion. “I don’t care if you die, but you’re probably going to give me cancer

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