Dare To Love - Lylah James Page 0,35

fast, but I caught the gist of it. For her sake, I carefully concealed my shock. But… oh my fucking SHIT!

“Riley, did you… I mean, you two…?”

“No! We didn’t have sex,” she sputtered and blushed even harder. “We made out. Oh God, I can’t believe I’m saying this. But he pulled me into him and just slammed his lips on mine. I think it was the adrenaline. I was so scared, and then I was excited and like, my heart was beating so fast, I felt dizzy and then I just kissed him back.”

Don’t freak out, Lila. Don’t freak out.

“What happened?” I calmly asked, even though I was anything but calm.

“Colton pulled us down, so I could sit on his lap. And we just… um, kissed.”


Riley buried her face in her hands, letting out a choked scream. “I’m horrible. Jasper was right. I’m a whore.”

“What? Riley!” I scooted closer to her and pulled her hands away from her face, so she would have no choice but to look at me. “Don’t say that!”

“We kissed. I don’t know when it happened, but he unbuttoned my jeans and put his hand inside and… he touched me, and it felt good, Lila. I know this sounds stupid, but it felt really good. It was crazy and everything was happening so fast.”

She broke off, looking at me like I could save her from whatever she was going through in her head. My poor Riley. I was shocked, speechless, so I could only pat her arm.

“Ifhame,” she muttered too fast for me to catch.

“You what?”

“I came! He was just touching me and… I orgasmed on his lap while we were sitting beside a disgusting, smelly dumpster.”

My jaw went slack, and I stared at her. Riley let out a cry, looking so conflicted and heartbroken. “I don’t even like him! God, I like Grayson, and I let Colton touch me like that. I’m horrible. Just like Jasper said.”

I snapped out of my shock at her words and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her. “Riley, you are not. Stop that.”

Her chin wobbled, and she bit harshly on her lip. She was so red now, her cheeks, her ears and her neck were all flushed. “Colton is the first guy… I mean after Jasper. I haven’t been with anyone else. I haven’t even kissed anyone since Jasper. I couldn’t bear it, and then with Colton, it just happened.”

“Oh honey. Come here.” I hugged her close, and she hiccupped back a sob. Now that she had finally confessed what was eating her on the inside, her mixed emotions had bubbled over, and there was no stopping them.

“He probably thinks I’m stupid and a slut.”

“Hush.” I soothed a hand down her back, comforting Riley in the only way I knew how. I sucked at comforting people, but I hoped my presence was enough for her.

“He’s going to spread rumors like Jasper did. I’m so scared to go to school tomorrow. What if I walk in and everyone stares at me like… before… when Jasper… the whispers, the snickers, the laughs behind my back.”

I pressed a firm hand on her back. “Not all boys are like Jasper, sweetie.”

“I know…”

“It’s okay.”

She lifted her face and pulled out of my arms. “He hugged me.”

“Colton?” That was… shocking.

“Yeah. After, my… um, orgasm. I think I was in shock. And I teared up. I wasn’t crying, but I mean, there were tears. He noticed and broke the kiss. Then, he just hugged me. We didn’t speak. That’s when you found us. I heard you calling out my name, and we broke apart.”

Oh wow.

“He apologized,” Riley confessed gently. “Before I left, he whispered he was sorry.”

I didn’t know what to say. Colton and Maddox were cut from the same cloth. Both were playboys, and both were assholes. It was almost impossible to imagine Colton doing something as sweet as to hug and apologize to Riley.

“Not all boys are Jasper,” I said again.

She nodded, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. Riley was always so cheerful, so full of life. The conflicted look on her face tore my heart apart. “Does that make me a bad person? I don’t like him. I want Grayson.”

“No, it doesn’t make you a bad person. Like you said, it was the adrenaline and in the spur of the moment. It happens, and no one has the right to judge you. If Colton hugged you and apologized, then I don’t think he’s going to spread rumors about you. I guess, he’s not like that.”


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