Dare To Love - Lylah James Page 0,119

lips on my pussy, before I pulled my hand out of my panties. My legs were slack against the pillow; my inner thighs still sticky with my release.

I didn’t have the energy to get up and change. My eyes fluttered close, and I fell into a restless sleep.

Maddox invaded my dreams. I felt his kisses… saw his handsome face… felt his touch sliding down my body.

Hot tears slid down my cheeks, because it was only a dream, only my fantasy.



I was angry. At myself, at Lila, at everyone… everything and at fate.

I’d lost my way with Lila, and I didn’t know how to pull her out from under my skin.

We landed in Paris, and my stomach twisted with fury and unwarranted possessiveness as men stared at Lila. Their gaze followed her, lingering over her ass. I told myself I wasn’t jealous – just protective of her. These assholes wouldn’t know how to handle a woman like Lila.

By the time we reached our hotel, frustration gnawed at my gut, and I was just so damn angry, I couldn’t think straight.

Nothing made sense – not my reaction to Lila or the stormy emotions I couldn’t understand why I was feeling.

Friends didn’t think about fucking each other.

But that was exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to hear her moan my name, I wanted her to whimper as my dick stretched her tight cunt, I wanted… needed… Lila.

This wasn’t just lust. I craved her lips and the sound of her voice. She made me feel unhinged, my emotions too wild to control. I loathed how easily Lila could break through my barrier – she could rip me apart and put me back together, again and again – I was her more than willing victim.

I wanted to possess her. And I couldn’t.

Lila was sunshine mixed with a little hurricane, and I was getting swept away. I was going to put a stop to it.

It had to come to an end and soon, before we both did something we’d regret for the rest of our lives. I was willing to peel Lila off from under my skin, even if it left me bleeding and mortally wounded.

My eyes flickered to Lila, watching her smile at the receptionist. Sunkissed skin, soft lips, pinkened cheeks and brown eyes that captured me since that day at the coffee shop, almost four years ago.

“Bonjour,” a voice broke through my thoughts. “How are you doing today?”

A man appeared at Lila’s side, suited and standing tall. His gaze landed on her tits first before they lifted to her face.

Lila nodded in greeting, and they shook hands. He introduced himself as the owner of the hotel, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled at Lila. It was written all over his face.

He wanted her.

My blood boiled, and I swallowed down a growl.

His hand brushed against Lila’s arm. “Please, if you need any help today, you can come and find me. A lady like you shouldn’t have to go through any trouble alone.”

Lila let out a small laugh. “Oh, I’m not alone.” She stepped closer to me and place a hand on my arm, smiling. “Maddox is with me.”

Mr. Owner, I didn’t catch his name nor did I care, eyed me up and down. “A friend, I see?” he asked, with a thick English accent.

He was checking to see if I was his rival. If he only knew…

Lila, oblivious to what was happening, replied, “Yes, a friend. We’re so excited to be visiting Paris together.”

The moment Lila admitted we were friends, his eyes lit up with triumph.

I instantly hated him.

He was practically undressing Lila and fucking her with his eyes, and she had no idea. Or she was playing coy…

My chest tightened. Was she interested in him…? Lila was smiling, her body relaxed, and she giggled at something he had said.

By the time we got to our rooms, I was seeing crimson red. I’d never been so angry in my entire life.

“He said they have a fancy bar. Maybe we should go tonight after we’ve rested?” Lila asked, rubbing her tired eyes. “I need sleep right now.”

She stifled a yawn and peeked up at me through her lashes. I nodded, mutely, and walked into my room, closing the door behind me.

My skin prickled with the need to hit something. I ripped my shirt off and quickly undressed, getting in the shower. I turned the water to cold, letting it seep through my bones. My body numbed, but my mind was still

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