Dangerous Devotion - Kristie Cook Page 0,143

opposite, then indoctrinating the supernatural being into the new society. The Amadis purpose is to convert Daemoni souls before they become damned, destroyed, or forever lost. However, on occasion, Amadis members will convert to the Daemoni (e.g., Ian).

Daemoni (day-MAH-nee) – Satan’s servants as the Demons’ army on Earth, currently led by Lucas. The Amadis enemies harvest souls to build their army. The Amadis try to stop them.

Dorian Knight – Son of Alexis and Tristan, unknown creature but currently human. Known abilities include self-healing and flying.

Edmund – Member of the Daemoni. Known abilities include flashing, super strength and speed, idiocy, and being an overall douche-canoe.

Eris – Daemoni witch from ancient times who helped Jordan create the potion that changed everything (read about it in Genesis: A Soul Savers Novella).

Faeries/Fae – Little is known about the fae as they tend to stay away from human affairs, as well as those of the Amadis and Daemoni. A handful do enjoy wreaking havoc in the Earthly realm, and sometimes they may even help out. They’re considered Otherworldly creatures, because their world is not exactly part of Earth. They closely guard their secrets about the Faerie realm.

Ferrer – Blacksmith mage who lives on Amadis Island.

Flashing – The supernatural ability to transport to another location up to a hundred miles away (give or take) in the blink of an eye. While objects can be held or attached to the body during a flash, Tristan is the only known creature who can flash while carrying another person. While both Daemoni and Amadis can flash, it’s not necessarily a natural ability for all—some creatures have to be assisted by mages.

Galina – Russian warlock and a member of Rina’s council, she favors Tristan and Alexis.

Ian – Member of the Daemoni, converted from the Amadis. Known abilities include compensating for his miniscule junk by spilling secrets, causing problems with the Amadis, and ruining Alexis’s life.

Jax – Were-croc who resides in the Australian Outback.

Jelani – Wizard from Africa who is one of Rina’s council members.

Jessica – Blue-haired faerie with a southern accent.

Jordan – Early leader of the Daemoni who sought power over all, inadvertently helping to create the Amadis (read his story in Genesis: A Soul Savers Novella).

Julia Acerbi – Vampire, Amadis council member, and one of Rina’s closest advisors.

Katerina “Rina” Ames – Current matriarch of the Amadis. Known abilities include telepathy, super strength and speed, flashing, bonding souls, converting souls to Amadis, making ballgowns everyday attire.

Kuckaroo – Amadis village in Australia.

Lilith – Bree’s daughter and Tristan’s sister.

Lisa – Green-haired faerie with a southern accent.

Lucas – Alexis’s sperm donor and leader of the Daemoni.

Lykora – An Angelic being that is extremely loyal and highly protective of its master. When in hidden form, looks like a small dog, but when in defensive mode, can grow as large as necessary to protect, has a wolf head and body, tiger stripes on a white coat, and feathered wings.

Mages – The wide classification of supernatural beings that can wield magic, including Witches/Wizards, Warlocks, and Sorcerers/Sorceresses. These general sub-classifications are based on strength of power. Some may call themselves by other names, depending on the type of magic they use, preference, or other reasons (e.g., Shamans, Druids, etc.).

Martin Allbright – Powerful warlock, Charlotte’s husband and Owen’s father.

Minh – Vietnamese witch council member who oversees the Asian region for the Amadis.

Normans – Normal humans (also called norms).

Ophelia – Witch who serves as head of staff at the Amadis matriarch’s mansion.

Otherworld – Currently unknown but seems to refer to Heaven and Hell, as well as Faerie.

Owen Allbright – Warlock and Alexis’s protector. Also like a brother to her and Tristan’s best friend. Known abilities include shielding, cloaking, magical bindings, flashing, and pushing everyone’s limits.

Phillip Jones – Human wife beater, child abuser, and overall scum of the earth who drove an older orange Camaro.

Safe House – Homes, lodges, and other accommodations scattered around the world where Amadis can retreat to when under attack or when going through the conversion or transformation process.

Sasha – Dorian’s lykora.

Savio – Italian were-shark who sits on Rina’s council and is anti-Tristan.

Seth – Tristan’s former name when he was Daemoni. The Daemoni still call him that.

Sheree – A newly turned Were-tiger who’d been bitten and turned against her will by the Daemoni. She became Alexis’s first ever conversion from Daemoni to Amadis, saving her soul from damnation.

Shield – A magic spell performed by mages that puts a protective barrier around its subject. If the subject is not also cloaked, the subject can still be seen,

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