The Danger You Know - Lily White Page 0,112

watching what it does to her to learn the truth of his disappearance, I’m glad I did.

It’s the truth that finally breaks her, not in spirit, not like Grant. He wanted to take away everything that strengthened her, and I’m simply giving it back.

She knows she’s facing danger, and with that in mind, she pushes away from the cabinets to start searching the penthouse for weapons.

Adeline never needed a hero, and she’s finally unearthed her villain. It’s enough to drag her out, enough to make her fight.

It’s about fucking time.

Still, I have the upper hand, and it amuses me to see her pace the large space, creeping from room to room in an effort to find anything she can use to hurt me.

My brow arches when she slips a butcher knife from the block in the kitchen, tests the weight in her hand, and then moves quickly to hide it beneath the couch, I assume just in case she needs it.

Stabbing me is a bit harsh. I’m the man that saved her life, after all.

Adeline then glances at the fireplace, runs over to pick up the iron poker, swings it once, then smiles.

It’s almost as if she’s enjoying this.

I’m not sure how I feel about that.

My lips curl regardless. If I wasn’t watching, she might have gained an advantage, but she’s already lost this fight now that I know what to expect.

I’ll let her think she has a shot, though. Build her up some before winner takes all.

After stowing the poker near the doorway leading from the hall, Adeline continues searching and gathering heavy objects to plant in corners and other places. She must be expecting a full on war given what she’s doing, but it won’t go that far.

Thankfully, she’s never had access to my bedroom where all the real weapons are stored.

Adeline pauses for a brief second, casts an eye across the room looking for anything else, and then begins the process of making changes to her battle plan, digging the knife out from under the couch, and jamming it in between the sofa cushions before doing the same with the iron poker.

Now, she’s ready, and feeling as such, she sits on the couch to wait for me.

It sucks for her that I’m ready, too.

I give her a minute to let the anxiety grow. Her foot is tapping a mile a minute, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth. She’ll chew the damn thing off if I don’t start this process soon.

Sighing, I close the computer and roll my head over my shoulders. Pushing to my feet, I leave my room and peek my head around the doorway leading into the living room. She’s still on the couch, her blue eyes sliding to mine as soon as I step out and lean a shoulder against the wall.

“Did you have fun destroying my cabinets?”

She blinks in my direction, her shoulders tense, jaw set.

There’s still a mess all over the floor. Boxes torn open, paper scattered, everything dumped in place as if she’d intended to go through it and had lost the nerve. I make a point of looking at it, then back to her.

“Did you learn everything you wanted to know?”

“I learned enough,” she snaps.

Grinning at the hitch in her voice, I look at the mess again. “And are you planning on cleaning up the mess anytime soon?”

“Wasn’t planning on it.”

There’s challenge in her expression, the type that would have any person storming in her direction to force the issue. She’s luring me to where she’s armed and ready.

Very smart, Adeline...

“I guess that means I’ll have to make you clean it up.”

Her throat moves to swallow. “Guess so.”

I approach her with a ground-eating stride, one hand moving to knock away the knife she brings up with one hand, while I block the swing of the iron poker just enough to soften the blow with the other.

Shoved back, I give her enough room to lunge from the couch. She swings the poker again with a grunt, and I take the hit to the shoulder. It hurts like a bitch, but not enough to knock me down.

I fall onto my back anyway, only to give her a sense of accomplishment before the advantage I have is out in the open.

I’m calm while she’s frantic. I’m thinking while she’s only reacting on instinct and fear. Still, she’s fighting, and that’s all I care about at this point.

Adeline brings the poker up with two hands as if to swing down at my head, Copyright 2016 - 2024