Dancing for the Lord The Academy - By Emily Goodman Page 0,56

to get it done.”

He didn’t dare point out to her that Danni had even more drive and determination than she did. It would just end in Katarina hating Danni more than ever before, and that was the last thing he wanted to happen. “Well, looks like Androv disagrees,” he said instead, his voice flat and steady.

“Surprising.” Katarina looked down her nose at him. “I would’ve never thought you would actually make it to the performance, not the way you’ve been going.”

Nick bit down hard on his lip and didn’t answer her.

“You know what? I’ve been thinking.” Katarina shifted up as close to her full height as she could get without running the risk that she would knock her crutches over. She must have known full well that after what she was going to say to him, even chivalrous Nicholas wouldn’t bend over and pick them up for her. “I don’t think I want you back once my ankle heals.”

“That’s your prerogative.” Nick shrugged. He had long since stopped caring whether or not Katarina intended to keep her.

“Actually,” she continued, “I don’t think I would be willing to dance with you if you were the last male dancer at the school.”

Nick’s hands fisted at his side, but he didn’t respond the way he desperately wanted to. Instead, he gave her a cold, hard smile. “Again, that’s your prerogative. I’ll be sure to let Danni know that she no longer has any competition to worry about.”

Katarina glowered at him. “Oh, yes, precious Danni,” she taunted. “Wouldn’t want her to have to worry. Does she realize yet that you’re scum of the earth, or has she been so entranced by dancing with the great Nicholas that she hasn’t realized what a jerk you are?”

“I’ve never been anything but kind to you, Katarina,” Nick pointed out patiently.

“Oh, right. Kind. Is that what you call it?” She threw her head back and laughed. “As if you have any idea what that means! I had to drag you into the practice room every time I wanted to dance; you never initiated anything; and as I recall it, you were a real pain about working anything but the piece you wanted to work at any given moment. How many times did I stand and wait on you before I could get started? Do you even know?”

“It’s not my fault,” he told her stiffly, “if you get there thirty minutes early and then stand and wait.”

“Everyone knows,” Katarina insisted shrilly, “that when you have plans to meet someone, you should already be warmed up when you get there!”

Really? Because Danni thinks that we have plenty of time to warm up together. He held the words back with an effort of sheer will alone. Patronizing Katarina wasn’t going to get him anywhere. Besides, he was very close to being late for the dress rehearsal; Danni would be worried about him.

Danni. Suddenly, he desperately wanted to hear her voice, just for a moment. In a few short days, she had come to mean a great deal to him—probably because she was a real partner, the kind that he knew he could count on. Katarina didn’t even register by comparison.

“You know what, Nicholas?” Katarina informed him. “You can have your precious Dannie, and you can do whatever you want to together—because I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

“That,” he said formally, “is your choice, Katarina.” His hands were trembling as he strode away from her—as much from hurt as from anger.

He had always done his best for her. He hadn’t been the partner she wanted; but then, she had wanted an iron man, someone who felt no pain and never objected no matter how many times she wanted to force herself through a routine.

He couldn’t be that for her. No—he couldn’t be that for anyone. He wondered if anyone could.

Chapter Ten

Danni stood in front of the mirror, carefully smoothing down her tutu. She was the Sugar Plum Fairy! It seemed unbelievable, even after the last two weeks of absolute insanity. She had practiced the dance a hundred times. Androv had referred to her as the Sugar Plum Fairy. Nick had repeated it over and over again, whenever she needed to hear it. It still didn’t seem entirely real.

But here it was. She was wearing the beautiful pink tutu, her face made up perfectly, her hair twisted into a perfect arrangement. Her warm brown eyes sparkled. This was really it—the final dress rehearsal. Today, she would show Androv that

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