Dancing for the Lord The Academy - By Emily Goodman Page 0,36

than you ever have before.”

“I can do it.” Danni’s shoulders came back, her head came up, and her eyes blazed.

“Good.” Mlle Kirby couldn’t help but smile. “In that case, I suppose I should be grateful that I know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing after this class. Nicholas, does Katarina have a practice room reserved for the next hour?”

“No, ma’am.” He sighed when she gave him a quizzical look. “She had…other plans…for the next hour.”

“And this close to a performance, there won’t be any free at this late hour.” She sighed. “Well…free practice tonight?”

“Five to six,” Nicholas said, just as Danni said, “Four to five.”

Mlle Kirby smiled broadly. “That works out just wonderfully, don’t you think? I’ll meet you in the practice suite at four.” She smiled faintly. “And for tonight, Danni, consider yourself excused from the children’s class—though I will expect you back on Thursday, hm?”

They exchanged a confused look.

“It will be the partner work that takes the longest to get down,” Mlle Kirby reminded them pointedly. “And if she’s going to take Katarina’s place, she’ll need to start working immediately.”

“Oh. Right.” Nicholas nodded quickly.

“I’ll see you two in an hour!” She shooed them out the door. Only then did Danni realize that everyone else was gone; they had been dismissed while she and Nicholas had been locked in the dance.

Danni gathered her bag and shoes quickly, slipping a pair of jeans on over her leotard. It didn’t make any sense to change back into street clothes when she was going to be dancing again in an hour, and while it was chilly outside, her jacket would be enough to take the edge off.

She didn’t completely understand why Mlle Kirby had let her go. She was good with the kids. Mlle Kirby had said so—and if she was with the children, then Mlle Kirby could go back to…whatever she had been doing that had taken her out of the room for so long.

On the other hand, she was a little bit grateful for this time, for the opportunity to absorb the sudden changes that had been thrown at her. She was going to dance the part of the Sugar Plum Fairy!

Danni did a little twirl as she slipped into her jacket. This was beyond her wildest dreams.

Lord, I feel so badly for Katarina—but at the same time, I’m overjoyed for me. This is…I never even dreamed this was possible! Thank you so much, Lord. I’ll treasure this opportunity—and I know only you could have arranged things so that I could have it. Thank you. Thank you…so much.

To her surprise, Nicholas was waiting for her when she came out of the changing room. He, too, had simply pulled on jeans over his dance gear; and his expression was…interesting.

“Walk with me,” he suggested.

Danni obeyed, confused. The invitation was a strange one—well, maybe not. They were going to be working very closely together for the next month or so—maybe even after that. It was only right that he would want to get to know his new partner.

She didn’t initiate conversation; and Nicholas made no move to speak to her for a long time. While they were in the halls, he even took a few steps away from her, as though distancing himself from her. She was a little bit disappointed at that, but she didn’t blame him, really. After all, he barely knew her. Just because they’d danced one dance together….

One amazing, wonderful, perfect dance….

Only when they were outside the Academy, walking through the secluded gardens that were nearly deserted at this hour, did Nicholas speak.

“I didn’t do what they’re saying I did,” he informed Danni bluntly.

She studied his face for a moment, wondering at the desperation that had prompted him to need to say those words. “I didn’t think for a moment that you did,” she told him quietly.

His expression transformed immediately, sheer relief coloring his features. “You…don’t think I did it,” he said slowly.

“No.” She shrugged. “If Katarina is hurt, it’s at least as much her fault as it is yours—unless you deliberately dumped her or something.” She smiled reassuringly. “And anyone who would take the time to walk me through a new dance just to be able to keep me as a temporary partner wouldn’t have dumped her on purpose.”

The relief didn’t last long. Within a few steps, Nicholas’s face had fallen again. He didn’t say anything, just kept his hands shoved into his pockets as they trudged along, but Danni could see the despair slowly taking over

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