A Dance of War - Ellie R. Hunter Page 0,82

DiMarco yells. Along the trees, our men creep out, their shooters aimed for the enemies.

The guy standing to DiMarco’s left pulls out his weapon, but it’s not me he sets his sights on. It’s Jamila.

Shoving myself forward, I block his view with my back and wind my arm around her so she can’t move.

Gunshots pierce the air and echo. It reminds me of a war movie I watched once, only I’m not trying to save a country. I’m only interested in getting Mila to safety.

Pushing her backward, I lose patience when she keeps tripping over her feet, so I bend down and lift her. Running into the house, I kick the door shut, but leave it unlocked for my men to enter.

She shoves against me until I release her, her face red with anger.

“Don’t ever do that again!”

“Why are you so angry? I just saved you!”

I haven’t got the time or inclination to hear how women are stronger than men. Not tonight, and certainly not when she had a gun aimed for her head.

“Besides making me look like I can’t handle myself, you just showed everyone who’s against us that you’re willing to die for me!”

“I am!”

If I wasn’t concerned about a stray bullet, I’d throw my gun across the hall just to release some of this pent-up frustration I have with her.

“I don’t give a fuck who knows it. I’d rather die protecting you than any other reason. At least I’d die for something I believe in.”

Her anger fades to confusion, but she’s still pissed.


The door barrels open with Trey and Cristian rushing inside, both unharmed.

“The police backed off first, and we managed to get nine of DiMarco’s men before they retreated,” Cristian informs us before sitting down on the bottom stair to catch his breath.

“What about DiMarco?” Mila asks.

“He was first to run.”

“It doesn’t matter. There’s no mayor or chief to stand between us and the DiMarco’s now. We move fast, because he’ll be thinking the same and come for us.”

As the men pour in, I turn back to Mila, daring her to defy my next move, because if she does, I’ll follow her. And if she gets hit, so will I.

“For tonight, you’re staying here. Make yourself comfortable.”

She’s going nowhere. I don’t care if I have to keep her here tied and bound, kicking and screaming, vowing to end me. I’m growing tired of this fight already, and it’s barely fucking begun.

Chapter Thirty


The sheets are just as soft and expensive here as they are at home, yet I can’t find sleep. I once loved the man who owns this home, yet I don’t trust him enough to sleep under his roof. Trey was adamant we return to the estate, but Raphael was right. After taking out Alexander and the chief, I wouldn’t have made it across town.

I can’t stop thinking about Raphael shielding me with his body from a bullet. He swooped in, prepared to die for me, and it’s muddled everything. His actions weren’t that of an enemy. Can I truly trust him after tonight? Is he really my ally?

Kicking the sheets off, I slip out of bed and wrap myself in the robe Sienna loaned me for the night. Out in the hall, the sconces along the wall cast a soft glow and I pass each door quietly as not to wake anyone. The walls are painted a stark white, setting off the wall art in blacks and greys. There’s no colour or warmth in this home, saying nothing about the boy I used to love. It’s like a show home for the uber minimalists and people with no vision.

The last door by the top of the stairs is ajar, and I hear his deep voice murmuring. I don’t mean to spy, but it wouldn’t hurt to see him when he’s not putting on a show for my benefit.

Peeking through the gap, the room is shrouded in darkness, but I can make out Raphael sitting beside a bed. Red lights blink on a machine, with the faint whirring sound of another machine purring in the corner. Is he talking to Giana Marocchi? The last I heard of her, she went away after her husband’s death because she couldn’t bear to be in the house without him.

“She said, ‘blue eyes weeping,’” I hear him say as he hangs his head. “Why those words?”

Why is he so hung up on what I said?

His question goes unanswered, and he begins to pray. I step away and lean against

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