Dance With Me - By Hayden Braeburn Page 0,8

he had hidden her from his family. He tilted his head. Maybe punishment wasn't the right word. He had to show her he would never abandon her no matter the circumstances, that he would never be ashamed of her, and that he wouldn't let anyone treat her like anything less than the amazing woman she was.

She was dying for him as he appraised her through narrowed eyes. She knew he was trying to decide what to do with her, but after his sexy strip tease, she wanted nothing more than the feel of him over her, inside her, loving her. She shuddered. Maybe this was the punishment—staring at her while she ached for him.

A slow grin slid over his face as he crossed to the bed and grabbed her ankle. He teased her with his fingertips before he pulled her toward him until his mouth hovered just above heaven. Torture by tongue. He liked the sound of that.

“Oh, God, Mason,” she whispered as he began to lick. As he teased her, he reached beneath the bed to pull out the vibrator he'd hidden there weeks ago but had yet to use on her. He looked up to flash a smile before he slid the buzzing purple phallus into her, then dropped his head once more to work her with his mouth while he thrust in and out, the rhythm relentless. He had to hold her down as she thrashed against him, her clutch on the sheets so tight he was surprised she didn't tear them to pieces. He gave her no quarter, bringing her to the edge again and again before finally sucking her into his mouth, reveling in her primal scream when he allowed her the climax she desperately wanted.

“Please,” she begged. “Please make love to me.” His mouth was amazing, but she needed him.

“Always,” he promised as he covered her.


Priscilla nodded, ear to the phone. “Are you sure you can do this? You can't screw this up,” she demanded as she drummed dark red nails against the shiny polish of her desk. “Untraceable, nothing less.”

“Consider it done, Ms.McClaren,” came the clipped reply.

She laughed as she carefully removed the blueprint from the scanner and refiled it, pleased with her plan. Davis was nothing if not discreet, and would take care of the competition. She had waited long enough and there was no way she'd let that kitten of a dancer stand in her way.


“You need to lead, Jerry. You can't let Liz dominate this dance. She has to follow where you send her,” Kat instructed. As she sent the couple around the room again, she heard the door open and shut. “Excuse me a second, let me see who's here,” she apologized. “Keep doing what you're doing. Good job.”

She turned to leave and ran into two uniformed police officers. “Is something wrong?” she asked the pair.

“We're here to serve a warrant, Miss Nemecek. Please stand aside.” The taller of the two officers brushed past her, gesturing toward a loose ceiling tile above her desk. “Let's take a look up there.”

Kat watched in disbelief as the tile was removed and four white bricks were pulled out. Was that cocaine? In her ceiling? She barely heard them read her rights as she was cuffed. It wasn't until she was sitting in the back of the cruiser that she found her voice. “I didn't know it was there. I didn't put that there. I swear.”

The shorter officer, with his bald head and thick mustache, arched an eyebrow at her. “You have the right to remain silent, Miss Nemecek. I suggest you use it.”

“But, I...” she trailed off. They weren't listening to her anyway. She'd call Mason and he would fix this. A lawyer. He'd have to get her a lawyer. She slumped against the scarred seat. Yesterday had been like a fairytale and today she was handcuffed in the back of a police car before lunchtime.


Mason gathered his jacket and keys like a man possessed. He'd been in a meeting when Kat's call had come through, and he'd almost missed it. Thank God he hadn't. Arrested for drug possession with intent to sell? This had the stink of Priscilla all over it, but how did he prove it? And how did he get Kat out of this mess?

On the way to the station, he dialed Cassidy's cell. “Kat's been arrested,” he blurted as soon as the line picked up.

“For what?”

“Drug possession with intent. She didn't do it.” He went on to explain Copyright 2016 - 2024