Dance With Me - By Hayden Braeburn Page 0,41

sheltered, and her outlook had always been so sunny, but today seemed forced. He directed his attention back to the papers on his desk. Cam was a big girl, and there wasn't much he could do from three hundred miles away even if he knew for certain something was wrong.


Kat opened the door to find a beaming Carter Jamieson. “Why are we smiling?”

“Oh, maybe because the charges against you have been dropped,” Carter answered, his grin widening.

She held onto the doorknob to keep from falling out on the hardwood floor. “What?”

He strode into the house, catching Kat by the elbow and guiding her to sit in the overstuffed chair in the living room, choosing the couch himself. “I'm not kidding, Kat. Tyler police found a blueprint of your studio in the gas tank of Priscilla's car. The CA's office is dropping the charges against you because they feel they have a stronger case against Priscilla.”

“So, no trial?” she asked, realizing after the words left her mouth that it was a dumb question. No charges meant no trial.

Carter shook his head. “No trial.” His smile dimmed. “You may still be questioned in conjunction with Priscilla's, though.”

Her mood went from elation to trepidation when she thought of how Priscilla's trial would affect Mason. She could only imagine what kind of hell testifying would be for him. “Mason,” she started.

Carter's mouth firmed, all remnants of his smile gone. “I know,” he agreed. “I know he talked to the detectives, but he hasn't said much aside from assuring me he wasn't raped.” He grimaced. “I never thought...” he trailed off.

“It seems everyone knew Priscilla was obsessive, but no one thought she'd go so far as committing multiple felonies.” It still bothered her that no one saw it, but then again, she hadn't believed it until it was almost too late herself. She straightened. “Isn't she insane? I mean, will she actually stand trial?”

Carter made a face. “She is crazy, but I don't know if she's incompetent. If Gregory Peters were smart though, he'd go with an insanity defense. It would get her remanded to the psych ward, but she wouldn't end up at Fluvanna.”

“So, maybe Mason won't have to testify?”

“If the defense were successful, it would mean Priscilla is insane.” He paused. “It's not the same as a conviction.”

“She would still be locked up though, right?” she asked, toying with the pillow in her chair.

He adjusted his glasses. “In a sense, yes.”

She tilted her head, noting Carter used his glasses when he wasn't comfortable with an answer. She hoped he never played poker. “I think I'm okay with that.”

Carter thought a moment. “She knew what she was doing, Kat. This was premeditated and planned. She might be crazy, but I don't think she's insane.”

“She just needs to be locked up for a long, long time.” Crazy, insane, or otherwise, Priscilla McClaren was a threat to Mason. If something happened and she were freed... She stopped herself. She had nearly lost him once before, she couldn't go through that again.

“You'll get no argument from me,” Carter agreed as he stood. “Well, Miss Cleared-of-All-Charges, I'd better get back to the office.” He squeezed her shoulder as he walked past. “Have Mason call me later.”

She watched Mason's lawyer and friend let himself out, lost in thought. Carter was a wonderful attorney and a great friend, but he was a bit of an absent-minded professor. She smiled. She was free to go and do as she pleased! On the heels of that joy, she was racked with sorrow at the thought of moving back into her apartment. She didn't want to leave Mason's side. Not ever again.


Jason Monroe gestured with his habitual roast beef on rye. “The CA's office is going Ayles County vs. McClaren.”

“Of course they are.” Chris Delmonico crunched a chip as he thought about the case. A county prosecution was all that made sense considering the circumstances. He just wished Aylesford had been given the lead in the investigation instead of the so-called support role they now filled. He knew their team was better, and Aylesford PD wasn't corrupt. He wasn't so sure about Tyler. “I don't like that arrogant prick, Davis.”

“Who could? The man acts like he runs Tyler.”

“Cavindish isn't bad, though.”

“Don't talk to me about Cavindish,” Jason growled.

Chris's eyebrows went up. “What the hell is wrong with you? First you curse a blue streak when we're officially given orders to take a background role, now you're barking at me when I mention Cavindish.” Copyright 2016 - 2024