Dance With Me - By Hayden Braeburn Page 0,19

here to kill me or watch us are off to go check on Mason? C'mon, Alec. We've known each other a couple days now. You know I'm not stupid.”

He hadn't meant to imply that she was stupid, but he didn't know what was happening yet, and he had no desire to deal with a hysterical woman. “I'll admit something might be going on, but I don't know what, and the last thing I want to do is scare you unnecessarily.”

She had a feeling it was anything but unnecessary. She began a silent but fervent prayer.


Cassidy Everett stood in her parent's kitchen, a manilla folder in hand. “Daddy, you can't let him marry her,” she plead.

Charles Everett looked up from his omelet. “Why on earth would I want to stop him?” he asked. “He loves her.”

“She was arrested for drug trafficking!”

“Your brother is adamant she is innocent.”

“Of course he is. He loves her, and admittedly, she's drop-dead gorgeous.” She spun on her heel, her chestnut hair swinging behind her. “Her mother was convicted of embezzling and fraud.”

Charles took his time spreading apple butter on a biscuit as he contemplated his oldest daughter. “So, since her mother was guilty, so is Katerina?”

Cassidy turned to again face her father. “Mila Nemecek used her beauty and her body to obtain passwords and personal information from top-level management, and was able to funnel money into her own accounts. She's on year eight of a ten year sentence at Fluvanna.” She slapped the folder against her thigh. “I'm worried about Mason.”

“Your brother is a grown man, Cassidy. He can make his own decisions.” He stood then, walked over to his daughter. “I know you're worried about your brother, and I know you've seen some bad things in your career, but I couldn't keep Mason from marrying her even if I wanted to. You know better than anyone that your brother will do whatever he sees fit.”

“Priscilla warned me you would react like this,” she said as she turned away. “She said you would be blinded by a pretty face just like Mason was.”

Charles's confusion was telegraphed by his knitted eyebrows as he faced Cassidy. “I know Priscilla is your friend, honey, but she has an unhealthy preoccupation with your brother. Has ever since high school.” He placed a hand on his daughter's rigid shoulder. “I know you've always pulled for Priscilla when it came to Mason, but that ship sailed a long time ago. He has chosen Katerina whether or not you like it. You'll have to accept that.” He chuckled. “I hope one day to have the same conversation with your brother about you. You're so invested in your work you haven't left any time to find a man of your own.”

Of course her father would redirect the conversation to her unmarried state. “I don't want a man of my own, Daddy. I just want to protect my brother from gold digging drug dealers.”

“When you find one, I'll help you protect him, too.”

Cassidy gave up trying to convince her father of Katerina's duplicity. She would just have to work on Mason herself. With that in mind, she left her father at the marble-topped island in the well appointed kitchen. She would ambush Mason in his office where he was a captive audience. She was coming armed with Mila Nemecek's file, and she wasn't leaving until he listened to her.


Mason's mouth felt like it had been stuffed with cotton, and he desperately wanted water. Gingerly, he moved his aching head to sweep his gaze around the room. If ever there were a template for generic motel room, this was it. Garishly printed carpeting, drapes, and bedspreads; brass lamps, a television, and a desk. The only other thing in the room besides himself was the chair to which he found himself duct taped. He tugged at his bindings, learning Priscilla had nearly mummified his arms and legs as well as the wheels of the desk chair. He was going nowhere. Briefly, he wondered what time it was, and whether anyone missed him yet. He had a meeting at one with his loan officers, and hoped someone would alert the right people when he didn't show. He didn't know if the police were the right people, but he had to hope someone was coming to his rescue since he was incapable of saving himself right about now.

Priscilla watched in the bathroom mirror as Mason struggled against his bindings. She hadn't wanted to hurt him, but he just wouldn't Copyright 2016 - 2024