A Dance with Darkness - Jenna Wolfhart Page 0,83

yourself, Norah. One sweet comment, and you’re already swooning onto the floor.

He scowled and glanced at an Autumn Court fae who slowly passed us by, eyes locked on where Kael’s hand rested on my back. “It’s truly heartless to make all the changelings endure this ridiculous celebration after what happened last night.”

“Careful, Kael,” the Autumn fae said with a chilly smile. “I wouldn’t want to have to report you to Viola.”

“Don’t lie, Redmond. It’s not the Autumn fae way,” Kael shot back. “We both know that you would love to report me to Viola.”

“You’re right.” Redmond’s smile was full of sharp and pointed teeth, like that fae I’d met in the Autumn tavern. “A monster like you shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near our so-called precious changelings.” He sniffed my way. “Does your friend know about your special issue?”

“I know all about it. Thanks for asking.” I shot him a sarcastic smile as sweet folksy music filled the hall. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’d like to go do something more interesting than talk to a bigot. Kael, would you like to join me?”

Kael pursed his lips and tried to keep his chuckle under his breath, but I heard him. It was a deep, soothing sound. A sound I wished I could hear more of. Kael didn’t laugh nearly enough. Somehow, I needed to rectify that.

He kept his hand on my back, and I had a feeling it was more in spite of Redmond than because he necessarily wanted it there. But I didn’t mind. I liked the idea of seeing Redmond’s smug smile fall right off his stupid face. So, Kael steered me toward the dance floor. At the moment, it was glaringly empty, but we walked past everyone on the outskirts until we were the only ones there.

“Care to dance?” He held out a hand and gave me a mock bow.

With a laugh, I took his outstretched palm into mine and curtsied back. He pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around my waist, swaying to the beat of the music. Delight and surprise made my stomach begin to flutter. This was unexpected. Of all the fae to ask me to dance, I wouldn’t have guessed it would be Kael. Finn, most likely. Liam, if he was in the mood. Rourke and Kael? Never.

And yet here we were, the only two fae on the dance floor.

The upbeat song whirled around us, and I lost myself to the strange, delightful music of the fae. We spun and spun, our arms wrapped tight around each other. Light and sound all mixed together as one, and soon, the world felt as though it dropped away. The music was everything, along with the dance. It was loud and big and wild, and I’d never before felt so alive.

Kael’s eyes were alight. Somehow, the deep darkness of them seemed as if they were filled with a thousand stars, and I knew, right then and there, that I could spend the rest of my life counting each and every one.

And then the song stopped. Kael’s feet slowed, and I followed his lead. The world jerked back in around us. My breath was ragged, and my cheeks were warm. Kael’s face had filled with color, too, and his eyes still shone with that strange cosmic light. All around us, others had begun to join us on the floor. And then the music started up again.

Our bodies took over as soon as the notes filled our ears. We spun and whirled and laughed, our limbs twisting and curling around each other. The hall transformed into a kaleidoscope of shifting colors. There were no solid walls. No tables. No one else but us. It was magic. Pure delicious magic. A kind of magic that filled every part of my soul. It had been hidden deep within me all these years, and now it was flowing out of me in a way that made me wonder how I’d never known it was there.

All because of Kael. And Finn, Rourke, and Liam. I’d spent my entire life asleep, and they’d woken me from a deep slumber I never again wished to have.

The music slowed. Usually, this would be my cue to take a break. I liked to spin and whirl and stomp rather than sway side to side, but this song...I couldn’t walk away. My arms tightened around Kael’s neck, and I pressed my face to his chest. His heartbeat matched the rhythm of our steps.


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