A Dance with Darkness - Jenna Wolfhart Page 0,39

me with either Winter or Autumn, and seeing how those Redcaps were drawn to me...

Fingers crossed this demonstration had nothing to do with a bow and arrow.

“King Brannon,” Kael said, turning back toward the tall, commanding male fae, and his crown of twisted brambles. “What would you like to see from our recruits?”

“Skill with the bow and arrow is essential, particularly for our Court.” His words solidified the dread around my heart. “Our fighters specialize in long-range attacks.”

Kael bowed his head. “Bow and arrow it is.”

Outside, the moon was obscured by thick, rolling clouds, and thunder echoed in the distance. There was no moonlight to help us this evening, only a few torches the instructors had rounded up from the Academy grounds. I stood shivering, sandwiched between Griff and Sophia, though I wasn’t cold. My nerves were rocketing around in my gut like a bullet ricocheting from one metal object to the next.

“Norah.” Kael flicked his fingers at me, of all people, motioning me forward. “Let’s start with you.”

Why? I wanted to ask, but I kept my mouth shut. I could feel the eyes of the Royals watching my every move. If they’d come here to see the new changelings, then there was no doubt in my mind that they had an idea of who and what I might be. Kael had probably filled them in on everything, including the Redcaps’ strange attraction to me. They would be sizing me up, seeing if I had the chops to join their Hunters after my graduation.

I did not have the chops. Not yet. But I wanted to prove myself to them regardless.

I stepped forward and took the bow. Kael pressed the arrow into my hands and locked eyes with me. No words came from those strained lips of his, but it felt as though he spoke to me. Through his eyes, through his mind, through the intense connection I suddenly felt with him.

Stop pushing it away. Accept what you are and fight back.

Frowning, I slid the arrow into the bow and lifted the aim to my eye. If only it were that simple. If only my mind and my acceptance could make my body perform. I wanted this. More than anything. With a deep breath, I pulled back the bow string and loosed the arrow across the field.

And then it just sank into the ground two feet from where I stood.

Disappointment burned in the back of my throat. I didn’t dare look at the Royals. I knew what their faces would say. She is not one of us. She’s not good enough.

She’s helpless.

Kael let out a heavy sigh and ran his fingers through his coal black hair. The two Royals muttered something to each other, too low for me to hear. But I didn’t need to hear their words to know what they meant. I sucked ass. They probably didn’t want me in their court. I blinked away the burning tears that threatened to fall from my eyes.

Kael’s hand landed on my arm, and he gripped tight. “Come with me.”

Suddenly, the world blurred around me and a deep cold settled over my bones. Everything went pitch black. The summer night became nothing but a darkness so pure that it felt as though we’d entered a black hole.

And then the world was right again, the buzzing insects roaring up around me. Blinking hard, I stumbled back. “What the hell was that?”

Kael’s eyes were pools of night. He gazed at me with such an intensity that I could not help but flush in response. “I know you can do more than what you’re letting us see, and if you don’t improve, things are not going to go well for you.”

“What are you talking about?” I glanced around me, but the Royals and the changelings were no longer there. And neither was the Academy. Instead, we stood high on a cliff that plunged low on every side but one. One that led to a cave set deep into the side of a mountain. No lush greenery. No swaying trees. It was all rocks and mist. Panic bubbled up in my chest. “Where have you taken me? How did you do that? What the hell is going on?”

Kael edged in close. So close that only an inch of air wafted between us. I sucked in a breath and tipped back my head, staring up into his endlessly dark eyes. My heart pounded in my chest. Why was he so close? He didn’t need to be this

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