Damaged Love - Jaxson Kidman Page 0,57

I entered the tent, I lost my breath for a second.

From high up in the house, looking from a window, the tent didn’t seem all that big.

If I had to compare it to something… it was like a circus tent… but for people with more zeroes in their bank accounts than anyone could possibly imagine.

The stringed lights were run up and down every pole of the tent, giving enough light to be comfortable but not too bright.

There was a dull murmur of all the voices, only overshadowed by the band set up on a corner stage. Two violinists, a cellist, and a piano player were in tuxes, wearing masks, playing classical music.

“Stay close to us,” Noah said.

His words were slurred more than before.

I took a deep breath and stayed between Noah and Easton.

Everyone seemed to know the guys.

There were a lot of head nods. Quite a few handshakes.

Everyone - men and women - wore a mask.

Easton touched my hand and pointed to the far corner of the tent.

There was a table set up on a platform.

The chair behind the table looked quite literally like a king’s chair.

“That’s where Edgar sits,” Easton said to me. “Anything to do with money goes through him.”

“This is fucked up, Easton,” I said.

“It only gets better, Winter.”

We made it a few more steps before two people appeared in front of us.

Next to me, Noah chuckled. “I’m going to find a drink.”

He walked away and I grabbed for him, but he didn’t care.

I turned my head and watched as Xavier began to talk to someone else.

Two men, tall and skinny, both wearing glasses. When they spoke, they tried to cover their mouths.

My eyes scanned around and it all just felt…

“This is Winter,” Easton said.

I perked up and smiled.

“Now, who is she?” the woman asked.

“I’m, uh…”

I looked at Easton.

I had no idea what to say.

“Winter, these are my parents,” Easton said. “The great Aldrich and Caroline.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said.

“You have a lovely smile,” Aldrich said to me. “Where in the world would you travel if you could? A week… all paid for…”

He smiled.

I looked at his wife.

Caroline waved a hand. “He says that to everyone.”

“It’s just a question,” Aldrich said.

“We better get going here,” Easton said.

“Don’t go near the back corner,” Caroline said to Easton. “Ever. Got it?”

Before Easton could say something, his father grabbed his hand like they were going to shake hands. He pulled Easton close and I watched as something was whispered. As Aldrich spoke to Easton, he poked at Easton’s back with his pointer finger.

With force. With purpose.

It actually looked threatening.

“The masks don’t cover the eyes, dear,” Caroline said to me.

I looked at her and felt uneasy.

I could sort of see a mix of Easton in his parents faces.

Caroline had dark eyes.

“What?” I asked.

“Why exactly are you here?” Caroline asked.

“Uh… for the food,” I said with a smile.

She didn’t smile back.

I guess this wasn’t a time to joke.

“Sorry,” I said.

“There is no sorry,” Caroline said. “The only sorry is based on action. You look beautiful in the mask, Winter. But just be sure to watch your back too.”

I shivered.

Caroline stepped away and touched Aldrich’s arm.

Instantly, Aldrich released his fake hug on his son.

The two walked away and I looked at Easton.

His face was covered in rage.

Even behind the mask I could see it.

Easton looked around.

Looking for Xavier and Noah.

I touched his hand. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” he said.

“Easton!” I yelled. “I’m here because of you.”

He looked down at me.

He lowered his mouth down to my ear. “Being rich isn’t free, Winter. Neither is being powerful. My advice is to eat, drink, and let tomorrow’s hangover distract you from anything that’s real.”

Easton took my hand, interlocking his fingers into mine.

I had no idea where we were going next.

He got me and him a drink and we found a place to stand where it wasn’t so crowded and busy.

That’s when Easton gave me a little rundown of who I was looking at.

Again, it was just super rich people. Families. Power. Everyone secretly hating one another but smiling face to face. Shaking hands. Telling stories. Booming with laughter. Yet they couldn’t wait to rush back to their rooms to start the backstabbing.

Easton pointed out who was sleeping with who, which was eye-opening.

That part I didn’t need to hear.

But it was interesting to hear Easton just talk.

He was pissed off and the floodgates were open.

He would tell me anything with the mood he was in.

That was kind of perfect too.

I caught myself smiling, finishing my drink, and

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