Damaged (Boys of Winter #2) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,65

his lips gently brushing over my lips again, a stark contrast to the bruising, forceful kisses he was just giving me. “I should have taken you home and let you sleep it off.”

I laugh and try to shrug off the pain, not wanting him to see just how much our quick fuck has my lungs and throat aching for relief. “Whether you took me home to my bed or kept me hidden in these bushes, I still would have ended up riding your cock until I screamed.”

Cruz laughs. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” he says, leaning down and scooping up my pants. He hands them to me and I groan, finding them completely inside out. There’s nothing worse than getting a slim pair of leather pants back in the right way. Pulling them up sweaty legs though is a whole other issue, one that has me thinking back to one of my favorite episodes of ‘Friends.’

Shit. Maybe I watch too much TV, but in the foster system, apart from sneaking out and getting up to no good, there’s really not a lot to do.

After way too long, I get myself redressed and cringe as I feel Cruz dripping into my underwear. If I were still naked, it would make me feel like a sexy as fuck queen, but when I’m wearing clothes, I just feel gross.

Cruz takes my hand and leads me back out onto the driveway, leading me toward his home, and with each step I take, I cringe just a little bit more.

Cruz glances my way with a knowing smirk playing on his lips. “What’s the matter, babe? Feeling a little … slimy?”

“Ughhhh,” I groan, shoving his shoulder and cheering when I manage to get him a whole two feet away. “Don’t be gross. Just get me to a bathroom where I can clean up and ditch these panties.”

Cruz laughs the whole way to his house and as we walk up the stairs, nerves begin creeping into my stomach. I’ve already met his father, but haven’t officially met his mom or siblings, and fuck, that really shouldn’t faze me, yet here I am.

He pushes straight through the door and I go to release his hand, but he refuses to let me go, despite knowing what his father thinks of our relationship.

We walk through the massive house and I look around in awe. I’ve been around places like this for a while now, but every new one I walk through always manages to catch me off guard.

It’s just as big as Carver’s place but this one seems a little less homey. It’s almost as though his parents were going for a minimalist style, or maybe they just didn’t bother to finish furnishing it because they’re rarely here.

We walk through to the kitchen and we find Cruz’s mom sitting up at the counter going over some paperwork. She doesn’t see us, and Cruz can’t resist sneaking up behind her and scaring the absolute shit out of her with a loud, roaring “RAAHHHHH.”

She shrieks and spins around, only to playfully swipe at her son, her hand against her chest as she desperately tries to calm her racing heart. “I swear to God, Cruz, if you weren’t my son, and I didn’t love you so much, I would have packaged you up in a box and sent you to live with my sister in Germany years ago.”

Cruz laughs and glances back at me. “She says that now, but she wouldn’t be able to live with herself when she realized that her sister was trying to force me into an all-natural lifestyle.”

I hold back a laugh as Cruz’s mother eyes me with caution, probably wondering what the fuck I’m doing standing in her kitchen, but if she has a good relationship with her husband and they actually talk, then I have no doubt that she already knows.

“Elodie,” she says, bowing her head in an awkward little gesture. “Welcome to my home. Is there anything I can help you with? Are you looking for my husband?”

Cruz laughs at his mother. “Knock it off,” he says. “She’s not the queen of England. She didn’t come for business, she just came to chill. I promised I’d introduce her to you and give her a tour of the place.”

Her eyes bug out of her head for a quick second before she controls her features. “Oh, well in that case, welcome to my home. I’m surprised, have you not been through here before? I’d love to take you on

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