Damaged (Boys of Winter #2) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,63

I was so fucking wrong. From now on, I’m going to make it my business to get to know my enemies. I’m going to know their names, their wives’ names, where their children go to school. I’m going to know who their pool man is by the time I’m done. But most of all, I’m going to get inside their heads and find out exactly what makes them tick.

As I approach Matthew Montgomery’s house, the third on the left, I can’t help but notice the pissed off scowl stretched across his face. He’s such a little bitch. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had something to do with this, but he’s definitely not the ringleader. He’s the kind of man to follow someone’s lead and fall in line. When they say jump, he says ‘yes master, can I also offer you some round-the-clock ass-wiping services too?’ He’s a sheep, and because of that, I find myself bringing my bike to a stop right in the center of his driveway outside of his gate.

I grin up at the dickhead watching me from his front steps. “I think this might belong to you,” I call, my throat instantly hating me as I step off my bike and pull out the keys. Matthew just gapes at me, too shocked with what I’ve done to even argue. So, without another word, I walk away, leaving the gory, messed up body behind and laughing as the blood slowly seeps out, staining his polished concrete drive.

I start walking back down the street with a skip in my step. I’ve never been so proud of myself. Sure, it was probably the most messed up thing I’ve ever done, and that point is proven as I have to step over the bloodstains left on the sidewalk. I hate that children bore witness to my antics, but I can’t find it in myself to regret it.

I stuck it to the assholes who did this to me and because of that, I feel more alive than ever before.

Up ahead of me, I see Cruz coming down the sidewalk and I pick up my pace, not going too fast as I can’t risk exerting myself and breathing too deeply, otherwise my lungs are going to curse me out for the rest of the day.

Cruz meets me in the middle, and before I can say a damn word, he grabs my hand and pulls me toward the massive gates of the house right beside us. He quickly hashes in a code and before the gate has even fully opened, he’s pulling me through.

“What are you doing?” I laugh as he drags me right around the corner of the gate and all but throws me into the bushes beside it, keeping me hidden. I realize that this is the second time in as many days that I’ve been in the bushes with one of the guys, hiding just inside the gates.

“I’ve got to have you,” he rumbles, his voice thick with desire as his eyes roam over my face. “Do you have any fucking idea how hot it was watching you riding up and down the road in these tight as fuck leather pants, owning those motherfuckers? I have to fuck, and this time, I’m not sharing.”

A grin pulls across my face as I grab hold of him and pull him even closer, slamming my back up against the inside pillar of the gate, making sure that the bushes keep us hidden from the rest of the world. “You, Cruz Danforth, can have me anyway you want me.”

Cruz groans low with need as his hands find the front of my pants and begin undoing the fly. As my pants make their way down my legs, I can’t help but peer around to figure out whose gate we’re about to fuck against.

I suck in a breath. “This is your place.”

“Mmhmm,” he rumbles, pressing his body hard against mine and letting me feel just how desperate he is for my body. “I’ll take you for a tour later if you’d like, but for now, I need to worship your body.”

A soft groan purrs from within my chest and Cruz instantly raises his head to meet my heated gaze. “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful with you. I know you’re hurting.”

I shake my head. “You be as fucking rough as you need to. I’ll deal with the fall out after, you hear me?” I demand. “Give me what I need.”

He winks. “You got it, babe. Right after

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