Damaged (Boys of Winter #2) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,134

it too.

King comes hard, his warm seed shooting to the back of my throat as Grayson pulls out and spurts his hot cum all over my back. Cruz though, he just lets me have it and shoots his load deep inside me just as he always does, and the second King slips out of my mouth, I collapse down onto Cruz’s chest, my body completely and utterly spent.

“Holy fuck,” Grayson mutters, the impressed and awed astonishment clear in his tone as he climbs off the couch and crosses the room to grab the box of tissues from the hallway table. “I think I finally get what you mean about sharing.”

A grin splits across my face but I don’t have the energy to even raise my head to tell him what a dork he is. Instead, I just lay on Cruz’s chest listening to the boys’ congratulatory laughs and high fives as Grayson wipes himself off my back, finishing with a perfectly delicious spank to my ass that has me grinning like a fool, and knowing damn well that later on tonight, we’ll be doing that all over again.


I let out a deep breath as I stare up at the door before me. It’s been four fucking days and she still hasn’t spoken a word to me, not even at school. Ember just scowled and looked at me as though I was the worst person in the world, but I know she doesn’t really think that. Not really. She needs me just as much as I need her, she’s just angry that she had to find out like that.

We have to be okay. Apart from the boys, Ember is all I have in Ravenwood Heights, and when the boys are being their usual, alpha asshole selves, I need her the most.

My knuckles come down over the door and I take a small step back, feeling the dread washing through me. Ember can be just as stubborn as I am, and I have a feeling that this isn’t going to go down well, but I have to try. I can’t walk away from this without trying.

I take a shaky breath, impatiently waiting for the door to open, and after what feels like an agonizing lifetime, I hear someone grabbing the door handle from inside.

The massive wooden door pulls open just a fraction and I see Ember through the gap. Not a second later, a scowl stretches over her face and she instantly pushes the door closed again. “Nope. Not today, Satan.”

Fuck, that stung.

I shove my foot in the door and push my hand against it, but with the size of this door, it’s got quite a bit of weight behind it, a weight that my foot is so not pleased about, but I suck it up. I can handle a sore foot for a minute longer. “Come on,” I groan, pushing the door just wide enough to squeeze through to Ember’s foyer. “Just hear me out. I hate that you’re not talking to me.”

“Welcome to my world,” she sneers, reaching for the door and opening it again, not so subtly suggesting that I get my ass out. “We’ve been friends for nearly three months and I feel like you haven’t really talked to me at all. I don’t even know if you’re a coffee or tea girl.”

I lean back against the door, letting it fall shut again as I give her a blank stare. “You know that’s not true,” I tell her. “You know all that shit about me. I’ve shared every part of my life that I’ve been allowed to share.”

“Oh yeah?” she scoffs. “What about those eighteen years spent in foster care? You’ve never once told me about that shit.”

I shrug my shoulders as a soft groan pulls from deep within me. “What do you want from me, Ember? Those eighteen years aren’t exactly something I’m comfortable talking about. I purposefully go out of my way to not even think about it, let alone share it with someone who’s going to force me to face it.”

“I … I wouldn’t do that,” she argues. “I just want to know you. You’re supposed to be my best friend.”

“I know that, but can’t you be happy knowing that I’ve shared the parts of myself that I actually like? I have way too many demons, ones that you couldn’t even begin to understand, ones that would shock you.”

“Yeah,” she scoffs, the distaste in her tone coming through loud and clear. “Trust me, I

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