Daddy's Little Liar - Maren Smith Page 0,50

the blanket until he was sure she was going to wear a hole straight through it.

“Can I tell you something?” she finally asked.

“You can tell me anything and everything,” he promised.

“You won’t make fun of me.”


He saw the tip of her head as she stole a peek at him in the darkness. Shyly rolling onto her side, she got close to him again. Softly, she confessed, “That’s kind of the part I liked before. I mean, there were lots of little parts. Like when you bare my... you know.”

“Your bottom.”

She nodded.

Her embarrassment just saying the words was both darling and arousing. Heat blossomed low in his belly, and his cock stirred in the confines of his jeans.

“Say it for me, sweetheart,” he coaxed. “I don’t want there to be any confusion in what you mean for either of us.”

He covered her picking fingers again, stopping their relentless fidgeting and forcing her to face both him and the conversation she had started with her full attention.

She huffed a breathless laugh, squirming in embarrassment. “Okay. I liked it when you, um, bared my butt.”

“I prefer my little girls to say bottom. It’s softer, cuter, and puts them in the right headspace for Daddy to take care of them.”

He wished the light was on. She went so still, but he knew she was staring at him. Then she really squirmed, covered her face, and even tried to roll over. Her laugh was breathless. “Jesus. Just like that. You do that so effortlessly, and I like it. It... it does things... and I just... I just...”

“Does it make Daddy’s little kitty purr?” Having the living room be this dark made it easier to tease her like this. She couldn’t see his grin, so he didn’t have to worry that she might think he was laughing at her.

“You mean my, um, my pussy?”

“No, I mean my pussy. If I am your Daddy, then your pussy becomes my kitty, to touch and hold and pleasure when and how I desire. It’s also mine to withhold pleasure from, which is what I’m going to do for most of the time we’re apart. You’ll not be allowed to touch Daddy’s kitty without his permission, and don’t be surprised if he’s stingy about giving it. You’re going to have to be a very good girl for me to allow you to come without me.”

“Ugh!” She covered her face all over again. “How do you do that?” she cried, only just remember to whisper before it was too late. “How do you make that sound hot instead of stupid, misogynistic, and wrong? I should want to throat punch you right now! I don’t get it.”

He chuckled. Her frustration was adorable. “We’re getting off track, honey. Let’s save that conversation for later. You were telling me what you liked about what I did, and I think that’s something I should know before we continue further.”

“Yes, but do I have to say the word?”


She huffed. “That’s the one.”

“Yes. Daddy definitely wants you in the right frame of mind, especially if you’re about to do what he thinks you are and ask me to give you your punishment spanking right now.”

She groaned again. Briefly, she pressed her face into the pillow beneath her head, then sighed and squared off as she faced him in the dark again. “Okay,” she said, audibly steeling herself. “Daddy?”

His cock tightened, loving the way the word rolled off her lips. “Yes, baby.”

She drew a fortifying breath. “I liked the way you bared my... my bottom.”

It hadn’t been a hardship. She had a very pretty bottom, and it only got prettier the pinker he made it. She was struggling with enough embarrassment as it was, so he kept that to himself. “Go on.”

“I liked it when you, um, put the, um... ginger root... inside, um, me.”

He could hear how furiously she was blushing. This was so hard for her, and it was absolutely darling how she stammered her way through it. He reached around her, letting his hand come to rest on the small of her back so he could rub it. “Go on.”

“I even kind of liked what we did at the pizza place,” she blurted in a rush, her words picking up the pace as she rushed to get it all out before the humiliation of what she was admitting to could kill her. “But when you were spanking me, even though it hurt, it made me, um... I mean, it made Daddy’s k-kitty...”

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