Daddy's Little Liar - Maren Smith Page 0,4

couldn’t make it that far.”

“You walked into town? In those shoes?” Eyebrows arching, he looked at her feet, and she knew the instant he noticed her ankle because that good-natured smile vanished. He frowned. “Yes, I see you did.”

Georgia looked down, too. Forget orange, her aching ankle was the size of a grapefruit, with dark bruising streaks curling up around her heel and down through the tendons of her foot.

“Come in.” Holding open his office door, he tried to usher her inside. “I have Doc Johnson on speed dial and a tow truck around back. Give me your keys. I’ll go get your car, and you can wait for the good doctor in my office.”

“I don’t need a doctor.” She didn’t move. With a man as good-looking as this, stepping into his office felt too much like stepping into his bedroom. She couldn’t trust herself enough as it was. She needed air. She needed to be every bit as professional as he was and get her awkward attraction to him under firm control. “I’ll go with you.”

“I would feel better about that foot if you put it up,” he said, and it took everything Georgia had not to read his current look as both stern and oddly paternal. Looks like that should have been patronizing. She bristled. At any other time, on any other man, she’d probably have told him where he could stick his feelings, but she stood in front of him with a growing swarm of butterflies in her gut, slowly metamorphosing into low, sensual pulses. That feeling sank deeper until it was seated firmly, seductively, in the flesh of her mons. Heat and growing moisture only amplified each throb, sending them rippling through her pussy to her womb.

She cleared her throat. “I insist.”

He had his own pulse now—a tic of muscle that leapt along his chiseled jaw as he studied her. Just looking at it made the skin across her bottom and down the backs of her thighs prickle in anticipation. She wasn’t used to feeling that particular sensation, although it wasn’t unpleasant. In fact, it was weirdly stimulating—in her pussy where all she could feel now was throbbing and trickling wetness, in her chest where her heart felt as if it were both stumbling and racing, and in her nipples… dear God, were they stiffening? With every breath, she could feel them hardening into peaks that scraped deliciously against the everyday cotton of her bra.

Could he tell? Was he looking?

She didn’t think so. The penetrating blue of his eyes stayed locked on hers, and he wasn’t looking away.

“All right,” he said, tipping his head as he yielded to compromise. “You may come with me, but you’re staying in the truck. When we get back, I’ll take a look at your car, but you will wait in my office with an ice pack on your ankle. Are we agreed?”

Her bottom wasn’t just prickling now, it was crawling, and her pussy was spasming. Tiny twitches of excitement that felt almost orgasmic accompanied every shivery pulse and tug.

“All right,” she agreed. She even meant it… at the time.

Later that night, however, once things calmed down again, she would think back on this and recognize it as a pivotal moment. Maybe, just maybe, had she known then how hard ‘Daddy’ spanked, she might have tried to mind his edicts a little better.

Kace Morganson wiped his dirty hands, then dropped the rag on a nearby counter. “I’ll get my keys.” Leaving the pretty blonde in the garage, he headed into his office. Halfway through the door, his phone rang.

“Dad’s Garage,” he answered, plucking the keys off the hook on the wall.

“Hey, Kace,” he heard the familiar voice of his mom’s best friend. “I just dropped a lady in distress on your doorstep.”

He smiled and fished both his cell phone and wallet out of his top desk drawer. “Thanks, Margo. I’ve got her. Ladies in distress are my specialty.”

She scoffed. “That’s why I’m calling. Keep your distance with this one.”

He blinked, a little taken aback and not sure if he ought to be offended.

“I’m sorry?”

“No, I mean be nice but aloof. She’s hurt.”

“Her ankle,” he said. “I saw. Still, I’m a professional. I know how to treat my customers. You should know that.”

“I do. I also know she’s every bit your type, and if you’re not careful, you’ll knight in shining armor yourself into another bad relationship, then I’ll be sorry I ever gave her a ride. Be nice,” she repeated yet Copyright 2016 - 2024