Daddy Undercover (Crescent Cove #9) - Taryn Quinn Page 0,70

I jogged up the stairs to the nursery-slash-office and found Sami in hysterics. “Oh, c’mere, sweetie. It’s okay. It’s okay,” I murmured, scooping her up into my arms while Sadie paced worriedly. “See, your little girl is fine,” I told her, leaning down to show her the baby.

Pink, screwed up face and all.

I rocked and sang softly to her—this time “Carry On, Wayward Son”—as I walked back and forth until she began to calm down.

“She’s really beautiful,” I said a few minutes later, assuming John was just watching quietly. But it was odd for him not to say anything at all. “I know you can’t tell right now, but once I get her cleaned up, you’ll see.”

I turned toward the doorway to see a collection of faces in the hall. All my friends had arrived when I hadn’t been looking, probably let in by John. Not that they wouldn’t have made themselves at home without his help. The shocking part was how quiet they’d been climbing the stairs.

“Hey, Moose. Hi, August. Caleb,” I said with surprise. “You’re still alive.”

“According to the tabloids, yep.” He gave a halfhearted wave.

Off to the side was my brother, standing next to a sheepish-looking John. “Hey, Mase. I figured you’d blow me off as usual.”

“This promised to be more entertaining than your usual poker nights. Besides, I thought you might need a skilled carpenter.” He side-eyed John and Moose. “No offense.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re all here. I’d like to introduce you to Samantha Mae Brooks. She’s almost two-and-a-half months old, and she’s my daughter.” At their silence, I cleared my throat. “Sorry if you heard through the grapevine already. I hid it until the last minute.”

Caleb nodded. “Understandable. If I got news like that, I’d be in denial too.”

“I wasn’t in denial exactly.” I blew out a breath. “All right, I was. It was a big shock. But now she’s here, and well, I love her. I’m so glad she’s mine.”

“Congratulations, man,” Moose said while August nodded in agreement. “She’s so cute. Will be a heartbreaker someday.”

“No, she won’t, because I carry a gun and I’m adding on a basement to lock her in so she can’t date.” I grinned as she reached up to tug on my whiskers. That was a new trick of hers. “Oh, and she’s also a genius. So, for the rest of you dads—sorry, suckers. Mine’s smarter than yours.”

Moose smiled. “Brayden could say ‘Da’ at five months. Come talk to me when she beats that.”

“Hmm.” Pushing that tidbit aside, I gave them my most encouraging smile. “Since you’re all here, you can help me set up something.”

August rubbed his hands together. “Oh, a crib, maybe? A Ladybug Treasures original. The line’s really taking off,” he added. “I’m going to be putting even more items in our shop.”

“That’s great. You do amazing work. I probably will contact you for one of those soon. Let’s go into my bedroom.”

Caleb shook his head. “Nah, man, I don’t really do the orgy thing. But good for you.”

I ignored him as I stepped into the hall and led the way to the master suite. Once I was inside, I shifted my now quiet daughter to my other arm and pointed toward the glass sliding doors to the deck.

“You’re all going to help me with a very important task. It’s baby’s first photo shoot time.”

“Say what?” Mason glanced at the deck. “You called all of us over here to help you arrange the kid on a bearskin rug?”

“It’s a pelt of fake snow, ass. And no, I wanted to tell all of you in person. If this works out,” I continued with a faint note of desperation, “any of you can use this deck for photo shoots too.”

Caleb put his hands together under his chin. “Really, can I?”

August whacked him on the back of the head. “Sure. We’d be happy to help.” He glanced at Moose, who nodded.

“Yeah. Okay.” John smiled. “Suppose it’s the least I can do.”

Mason rolled his eyes. “Let’s get this over with.”


I stroked the velvety ear of the little brown bunny sticking out of my baby basket. The laughter from the bar floated out to the parking lot. After a shaky start, it was now a sunny and semi-warm day in the Cove. The water lapped at the newly renovated pier and boat launch on the lakefront view of Sharky’s new property line.

My sister had done a damn good job of remodeling and expanding her little business in the short time she’d Copyright 2016 - 2024