Daddy’s Girls by Danielle Steel Page 0,85

role to keep the folks at home happy on British TV, but as it will be seen worldwide, we want an American, a real one, in the second lead. You’d be the only American in the cast. The rest are all British. And we intend to do a maximum of publicity for the show. We want it to be the number one show in England a year from now. And with you on board, I feel sure we can do it.” He smiled at her, and one of the other men handed her a script. “If you have time to take a look at it tonight, I’m sorry to press you, but I’d love to hear from you by tomorrow. There’s no point chasing a flock of others if we can have you. You really are our top choice,” he said, and Gemma glowed.

The meeting lasted for two hours and she was floating on air when she left. She went straight home, took off her shoes and jacket, and sat down to read the script. She called Jerry at nine o’clock that night. He was on the freeway on the way to a party and put her on speaker.

“Sign me up. I want it. I don’t care if I have to sleep with the snakes in Africa, it’s the best show I’ve ever read and the part is perfect for me.”

“They think so too. The director is obsessed with you.” He was smiling. “I’ll give them a call right now. They’ll be thrilled. You’re okay about being stuck in England?”

“I’d be willing to be stuck at the North Pole to play that part.”

“And you don’t mind having a co-star this time?”

“I can live with it. It looks like a beefy part for me.”

“They say it is. They want both characters to be equally strong. I’ll call them. Talk to you tomorrow, and, Gemma, congratulations! I’m happy to see you back on top again.” In reality, it hadn’t taken long, only three months, but it had felt like centuries, thinking that her career was going to tank. But it hadn’t. It was on the upswing again.

Three dozen roses and a magnum of champagne appeared at her house the next morning, and Jerry had the contract in his hands at noon. He was having it checked by his legal department, and she’d have to have it seen by her lawyer too, and add any special conditions she wanted. But Jerry knew that Gemma was usually reasonable, and didn’t ask for the absurd stipulations and perks that some actresses did. He had told the producers that too.

Rufus called her himself that afternoon. “I can’t begin to tell you how happy you made us, and me personally. I’ve loved watching you on your old show for years. I think this is going to be a very exciting shift in your career, more dramatic, historically based, we want to give it real substance, and keep it on the air for as long as we can. I don’t quit when we’re on top,” he reassured her.

“I’m really excited,” she said, and sounded like it. “When do we start shooting?”

“We’re going to need you in Zimbabwe around December fifteenth, or thereabouts. Right in time for Christmas. But I meant what I said, we’re going to make it as pleasant as possible for the cast, and make it a very special experience.”

“I can’t think of anything better,” she said. She was floating.

“See you in Africa then.”

She looked over the contract that afternoon, after Jerry cleared it. She added a few minor things, and sent it to her lawyer. They emailed it to Rufus two days later with her signature. He countersigned it, and by the end of the week, the deal was signed, sealed, and delivered. She called Kate as soon as it was.

“I have a job!” she screamed into the phone and told her all about it. “The show is based in England, so I’ll be in London eight or nine months a year, but I can come home for three months in the summer, and you can come and visit me.” Kate was thrilled for her, though sorry to hear she would be so far away, but three months in the summer would be wonderful. And Kate promised to try to come over, although she hadn’t been away in years.

As soon as Gemma hung up, her phone rang again. It was her tenant from the summer. He had decided to make an offer Copyright 2016 - 2024