
“You say they want revenge, but you need to be the one who kills Enrique in order to take over his territory, right?”

“That’s right. But I’ll need people at my back, vampires I can trust and draw on for strength if I need it. I know I can take Enrique, but I don’t fool myself by thinking it will be easy. He’s powerful and he’s ruthless. And he also knows I’m coming. He’ll be ready for me.”

Lana frowned. “This is dangerous,” she said slowly. Her eyes widened and she stared at him in stunned realization. “He could kill you!”

Vincent hugged her tightly, wrapping both arms around her. “I won’t die, querida. I’m stronger than Enrique.”

“But you said he’ll be ready, and he won’t play fair. How do you know—?”

“Lana.” He claimed her mouth in a slow, luscious kiss that left her nerves tingling all the way down to her toes. “I’m not going to lose,” he whispered against her lips. “I know Enrique. And I know his tricks. I can do this.”

Lana nodded wordlessly, but she was more terrified than she’d ever been. She’d faced down desperate fugitives and murderous drug dealers, but nothing had ever scared her as much as the idea of Vincent confronting Enrique. What if he died? What would she do then?

She closed her eyes against the awful image of Vincent’s bloody body lying on the floor while his killer crowed in victory. She pushed that image as deep into her mind as it could go, not wanting Vincent to catch even a hint of it. The last thing he needed going into the fight of his life was her fears for him.

“So, Mexico City tomorrow night then?” she asked, even though she already knew the answer.

“Mexico City,” he confirmed. Then he put a finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him. “I don’t suppose I could convince you to go somewhere safe, somewhere—”

“Not a chance,” she interrupted.

Vincent sighed. “This isn’t a game, Lana,” he said, more serious than she’d ever seen him.

“I’m aware of—”

“I know you’re smart and capable, and I’ve seen your courage, but this . . . this will be like nothing you’ve ever witnessed. Enrique will do anything, anything, to win this. You saw what he did to Carolyn. He’ll do even worse to you, because you’re human; you’ll mean nothing to him. But you matter to me, and he’ll use you if he can.”

“Are you trying to scare me? You think I’ll run home if—”

“You should be scared. But the only thing I care about is that you live. If I thought you’d run home, I’d do whatever it took to make that happen. But I know you won’t go.”

“Damn straight.”

Vincent gave her a crooked smile. “Why not?”

Lana turned away, making a show of plumping her pillow, shoving it behind her as she sat up. “Because I care about you,” she said, intentionally not looking at him, not wanting him to see the truth in her eyes.

“You care about me.”

She swallowed and nodded. “We’re partners. We’ve been in this together from the beginning. I need to see it through.”


Why did he keep repeating everything she said?

Vincent tilted his head, studying her. “Is that what you—?”

Lana pushed the covers down, suddenly hot all over. She needed him to stop talking. “What time is it?”

She went to roll out of the bed, but Vincent snagged her with an arm around her waist, pulling her back and sliding a knee between her thighs where Lana knew he’d find her wet and ready all over again.

“The time is too late,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck. “But feel free to use my body for your pleasure after I’m asleep, partner.”

Lana slapped his chest. “I can’t believe you said that. I would never—”

Vincent hummed wordlessly, and she could feel his lips smiling against her skin.

He lifted his head. “Kiss me, querida. It’s almost time.”