

“I don’t think so. We’ll see how he adjusts, but for now, he’s working security at the club, backing up the door. I’ve got Ortega keeping an eye on him since he knows the history.”

“Good idea. And Carolyn?” he asked, covering his mouth and speaking so softly that Lana wouldn’t hear.

“I haven’t seen her since we got back, but I’m getting nightly reports. Physically, she’s fully recovered, of course. As for the other, it might be a while before she’s comfortable being around males of any species, but she’s okay with the other women. She’s strong.”

“She’d have to be to survive that and stay sane.”

“Speaking of insanity, jefe, I got word from my source inside Enrique’s HQ today, and it’s not good. He says Alexandra’s dead.”

“Fuck. Enrique killed her?”

“Not Enrique. A visitor from France. The same one who masterminded the assassination attempt on Raphael in Acuña. Word is that he’s still in Mexico City, hiding out in Enrique’s villa.”

“Why is he still there? You’d think he’d be running for home, especially since he was stupid enough to kill Raphael’s sister.”

“No one seems to know. Raphael must already know she’s dead, right?”

“Count on it. Damn, this situation just gets more and more complicated. Fuck. All right, one thing at a time. Did you find anything to help me with Xuan Ignacio? I’d like to find the guy and get this over with.”

“The bloom is off the rose already?”

“Hell, no. What I’d like is to spend a few quality weeks with this particular rose at the house in Cabo. No visitors, no politics.”


Vincent frowned at the phone. “Huh, what?”

“Oh, uh, nothing. Just checking my notes. And, yes, I do have some help for you. Celio—you remember him, the older vamp who claimed to have seen Xuan—”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Well, wanting to please your magnificent self, he devoted himself to thinking back over the years and came up with a name for you. It’s another vamp like him. Old, but not strong. Still living in Pénjamo.” Michael paused. “Do you ever think about how many guys there must be like that, living out in the world? Really old vamps hanging out in small villages, getting by on a sip from a lovely young thing—girl or boy—”

As Michael went on being clever, Vincent was caught up in the sight of Lana taking a drink of her Coke. Her lips, full and wet with some pink stuff she’d put on them upstairs, wrapped around the thick straw as she sucked . . . He placed his hand over hers on the table, curling their fingers together. Lana looked up and met his eyes with a soft smile.

And all Vincent could think about was getting her naked and beneath him as soon as possible.

“—no power, but not worried about it, because there are vamps like you maintaining order in the land,” Michael finished.

“You know, Mikey,” Vincent said, his gaze never leaving Lana. “I can’t say I ever thought about it. But you know what I can say?”

“I’m guessing it’s that you don’t give a fuck about it either.”

“Smart man. I knew there was a reason I kept you around. Now tell me what Celio has to say that will help me find Xuan.”

“His friend knows Xuan’s current whereabouts, and he’s willing to meet with you.”

“Excellent. Text me the info.”

“As we speak.”

“I’ll call you later,” Vincent said and disconnected. Then he turned to Lana. “We have a meeting with a guy who knows where to find Xuan.”

“That was quick. Who is he?”

“An old friend of Celio’s who still lives in the area.”